Browse Northern Kankanay - English



liskengTo stare intensely, for the eyes to be fixed. Deep seated eyes.Naliliskeng nan matana.His eyes are deep seated.
liso1ma- Out of joint, sprained.Nailiso nan sikina.His leg was sprained.2.5.4Disabled
liso2Flat galvanized iron.Liso nan indidingda isnan baeyda.They used a flat galvanized iron as walling of their house.6.5.3Building materials
lispitoRespect.Nalispito nan an-akna.His children are respectful.
listaA list, to list.Inlistada am-in nan ngadngadanyo.They listed all your names.3.6.2School
listogPregnant but unmarried. Illegitimate child.Nalistogan siya sapay makiasawa.She had a child before she married.2.6.3Birth2Person
litak-an To clear a field by burning.Litakanda nan bassit isnan bilig ta galdinenda.They burned a small area in the mountain to garden it.5.5.4Burn
litanunspec. var.lilit2-en To burn off hair or clothes; to singe.Nalilitan nan bookna.His hair was partly burned.5.5.4Burncflilit1
liten1A woven or coiled ring for resting round bottomed things on. -an To put on a liten.Bog. utensilcfgiken
liten2A variety of large tree.1.5.1Tree
litik1To secretly spy.Bog.4.8.3Warcfsiim1
litik2unspec. var. oftompik
litilit-en To twist something, something twisted, as wire. To wring something.Linitilitna nan balot.He twisted the wire.7.3.5Turn something8.
litisLettuce.Eng. grass1.5.3Grass, herb, vine5. from leaves
litomen- To loose baby teeth.Ninlito siya issan ikapitoy tew-ena.His baby teeth loosened when he was seven years old.2.6.4Stage of life
liton1A pregnancy.Maliton kasin si inana.His mother is pregnant again.2.6.3Birth2men- the palay starts to form on the stalk.Id wani nan menlitonan nan pagey.Now is the time the palay starts to form. rice3Embryo, fetus, unborn.2PersoncfbalabegasbIlo.galotanglam-inglasingpageysedangsikog
liwaA story in song.Menliwliwada isnan baey di ninsenga is labi.They sing liwa in the house of one who performed senga.
liwaliwTo comfort, as a child or someone grieving.Liwaliwem nan innodim ta adi men-agaaga.Comfort your younger sibling so he will not continously cry.3.6Teach
liwang1To give way, to pass. To step out of the way on a path.Iliwangyo nan daan tay lomaos nan menparada.Give way to let those who will parade pass by. past, over, through2To pause, of a storm.Iliwang dadlo nan lemlem ta maango nan nalabaan.At last, the typhoon paused so the laundered clothes will dry.7.2.7Not moving
liwengTo wander, lose one's way.Naliweng san aali ay mang-an-anap ken Hesus.The kings who were searching for Jesus were lost. past, over, throughcfmaliweng
liwes1Around.Ninliweliwesda dadapay adi datngan nan an-anapenda.They went around but they were not able to find what they were looking for. past, over, through2Sugar cane press pulled in a circle. product
liwetTo go around to different places, wander.Omeyda menliwliwet et kedeng.They went wandering only. past, over, throughcfaniwet
liwliwA variety of tree used as a poison for people. Green fruit.1.5.1Tree
liw-atTo take care of animals or people.Liw-atena ay winakgat nan innodina tay men-obla si inana.He takes care of his younger sibling everyday for his mother works. for