Browse Northern Kankanay - English



lokokTo stay inside for a time.Menlolokok tay nasakit.He stays inside for he is sick. in
lokolok-an To make a hole. men- To enter a hole as a worm does.Linokolokan di keang nan lota.The worm made a hole in the soil.7.8.5Make hole, opening
lokop1Child not yet born when father dies.Lokop siya tay egay naiyanak dat matey si amana.He is a |Ilo.op|r child for he was still in his mother's womb when his father died.2Person
lokop2Short penis.Lokop nan anakna.His child has short penis. organs
lokotTo fold. Wrinkled.Nalokot nan badona.His clothes are wrinkled.5.6.1Clean, dirty
lokoyWalk together.Ninlokoy da ay dowa id kawni.They both walked together awhile ago.7.2.5Accompany
lokso-om- To go work in the fields or forest.Linmoksoda am-in ay sinbaey.The whole household went to work in the fields.6.1Workcfsipot1
lokyasTo lift, to expose.Nalokyasan nan opona issan naidageman nan bistidana.Her thigh was exposed when the wind blew her dress.
lolokisenOrange. trees
lolonTo roll up, as a mat.Lolonem nan kamen no komaan kayo.Roll up the mat when you leave.
lolongi- To take shelter from sun or rain.Menlolongda isnan poon di kaiw tay pilmi nan agew.They take shelter under a tree because of the strong sun.Bog.7.3.7Covercflinong
lolop-en To suck the blood from a bruise without breaking the skin so that it heals quickly. n. men- One who knows how to |Ilo.op.Menlolop nan alapoda.Their grandparent does |Ilo.op|r.Linolopan nan menlolop nan naeppan isnan edegna.The one who |Ilo.ops|r sucked the dead blood from the bruised part of his back.5.2.2Eat2.5.7Treat disease
lolotTo poke something into something, to cause harm, as a stick into a hole to poke a rat.Linolotna is pao nan eengna isonga binmasa.He poked with a stick his nose therefore it bled. in
lolotowanMid afternoon.Ilo.iyo ay men-oto isnan lolotowan ta masapsapa ay makwas.Start cooking in the mid afternoon so it will be finished early.
loloyTo swarm on somethingLolloloyan di laeg nan nabay-an ay inoto.The flies swarm on the left over rice.7.5.1Gather
lol-okTo go underneath or inside, as a floor or the forest.Linmol-ok nan kosa isnan kad-an di molmola.The cat went underneath the plants. past, over, through
lomamanna- A bruise.Pakpakenda nan payak di manok engganay lomaman.The pat the wings of a chicken until it gets blue and bruised. disease
LomawigThe son of Kabonyan, the first person.9.7Name4.9.2Supernatural being
lombaTo run a race.MakIlo.baka is piyasta.Join the race during the fiesta. past, over, through
lomengFertilizer from a pigpen, tabbak. v. i-,-an.Obowenda nan lomeng ay mang-ippey isnan om-a.They carry the fertilizer from the pigpen to put in the camote field. a fieldcftabbak
lomisTreat cruelly.Lolomisana nan baada.He treats cruelly their maid.
lomlomTo get stuck in mud.NaIlo.lom nan logan isnan pitak.The vehicle got stuck in the mud. something
lomlom-oA baby's "soft spot", fontanel.Banban-eg nan lomlom-ona.His fontanel is small.2.1.1Headcfkolkolbo
lommasaAnything that causes itchiness such as rice, caterpillar etc.Lomasa gedan nan pagey.Even the palay causes itchiness.1.5.1Tree2.5.6.1Paincflasa