Browse Northern Kankanay - English



lakon-ogTo be grouped.Bog.7.5.1Gathercfamong
lakpapi- To lie flat on the stomach.Way mensakit nan egesna tay ilalakpapna.Maybe his stomach aches for he is lying flat on his belly.7.1.3Lie down
lakpiii- To sit with legs doubled under.Ilalakpiina ay tomotokdo.He sits awith legs doubled under.7.1.2Sit
laksawTo climb out of something, as a fence around a garden, a separating wall between pigpens, as apig from its pen.Linmaksaw nan betegna.His pig jumped over the pigpen.7.3Move something
laksigDo not include.Linksigda sak-en isnan tolaganda.They did not include me in their decision.
lakwitTo accidentally get something in addition to what you intended to.Nailakwit nan badom isnan badok.Your clothe was accidentally included in my clothes.7.2.5Accompanycfkawit1
lak-ami- To add someone elses to yours, of work, food, belongings.Ilak-ammo ay mang-iyobla ken dakami.Include us in your work.
lak-ey-en To grasp something with one or 2 hands to carry it. Lift up.Lak-eyenyo nan sanay lamisaan ta iyalisyo isdi.Carry that table and transfer it there.7.3.1Carrycflak-eyan
lak-eyanBar to pull warp threads up on a back strap loom. clothcflak-ey
lalaBeans that are beginning to dry.Nalala nan botilas.The beans are beginning to dry.
lalaki1Man.Lallalaki am-in nan wada isdi.All those who are there are men.Pala lalaki nan kasilyas ay sana.That toilet is for male.
lalangbad influence7.2.5Accompany
lalat1A crackle, noise of fire.Menlallalat nan apoy isnan deey ay bilig.The fire on that mountain is blazing with a crackling noise.
lalat21Leather. v. -en To skin an animal.Lalat nan sapatosna.His shoes is made of leather.Linalatda nan kodil nan aso ay pinaltida.They pulled out the skin of the dog they butchered., slaughter1.6.2Parts of an animal2-en To pull rice seedlings, padog, to be transplanted (to "skin" the seed bed).Menlalatda is padog ta ipadogda isnan sinaman amam ay payew.They pull rice seedlings to transplant in the ricefield which your father plowed. ricecfpadog
lalayTo call others or to call eels, it attracts.Menlalay is ngilaw nan ikan.A fish attracts flies.
laltaakSharp sudden noise.Nalaltaak nan paltogna id kawni.His gun made a sudden noise a moment ago.
lamag-en To go uphill (not stairs).Menlamlamagda ay omey isnan bilig.They go uphill towards the mountain. upcflamlamaglayog
laman1TasteLinamanana nan ototowena no mam-is.He tasted his cooking to taste its deliciousness.Ilo.2.3.3Taste
laman2Cooked wing (isda.)Linmaman nan pinikpikda ay payak di manok.The wings of the chicken they patted is bluish and swollen.
lamawTo blanch or scald.Ilamawyo nan kalni sakayo pay gedgeden.Blanch the meat before you cut or slice it.6.3.4Butcher, slaughtercflaso
lambakmen- To play the gongs.Lambakanda nan bommey.They play gongs for the wedded couple. music
lambongPlain boil in cooking meat.Linambong nan ikkanda ay mang-oto isnan kalni.They plain boil the meat.5.2.1Food preparation
lames1Fat, of a body.Menlames nan anakna.His child is fat.8.2.9Weigh
lames2Fish (grown in fish ponds.)Ilo.