Browse Northern Kankanay - English



tabtabTo remove walls of a building or terrace walls or to make a hole.Tinabtabanda is bassit nan toping ta bomalaan di danom.They made a small hole on the stone wall to let the water out., take apart
tabtabakoSimilar to wombok but taller. vegetables5. from vegetables
tab-aw1To dip something in liquid to wet it.Itabtab-awna nan tinapayna isnan kapina.He dips his bread in his coffee.1.3.3Wet
tab-aw2To wet something, to swish something through liquid.Itabtab-awna nan tinapayna isnan kapina.He is swishing his bread in his coffee.1.3.3Wetcfsawsaw
tab-enTo immerse somethingIntab-ena nan labaana isnan timba.He immersed his laundry in a pail of water.1.3.3Wet
tab-okTo throw something fine, as sand or sugar.Tinab-okana is darat nan gag-ayna.He threw sand to his playmate.
tadekThe women's style of dancing, with arms out stretched and feet barely lifting from the ground.Manadek nan iinin-a dapay mengangsa nan aamam-a.The old women danced while the old men play the gong.4.2.4Dance
tademSharp.Mentadem nan gipanmo.Your knife is sharp.
tadiAn artificial spur used in cockfighting.Tinadiyanda nan kawitan ay ipallotda.They put tadi on the rooster for cockfighting. movement
tadlangRib.Natatadlangan nan anakna tay masasakit.His child looks all ribs for he is sickly.2.1.6Bone, joint
tadokMeat cooked at the house of the one butchering or his child for all the relatives to eat together.Nanadokda tay ninsenga si amada.They have tadok for their father did senga.6.3.4Butcher, slaughter
tadonTo echo, to repeat, to do it to another person.Tadtadonena nan ik-ikkan nan mistoloda.He imitates what his teacher does.
tadtadtadTo massage the back or back of legs.Mangtadtadtadka ta agtak lagbowak sik-a.Massage me and I will pay you.
taebBoard at top of dingding.6.5.2Parts of a building
taepChaff of rice. men- To winnow.Taepanyo nan binayomi.Winnow the rice we pounded. rice
tagaPeople of place name.Inmalida nan taga Manila.The people of Manila came.
tagadA bolo used for chopping pigs food.Tagadena nan ange ay kanen di beteg.He chops using tagad the camote leaves for the pig's food.6.7.1Cutting tool
tagadewTiger grass.
taganoTo take care or support somebody.Tinaganona nan anak nan besatna.He took care of the child of his sibling. for
tagaongDipper for vegetable, a ladle.Tagaongem nan sibo.Use a dipper to get the viand. utensilcftaok
tagawtawVegetables. from vegetables
tagayenSmaller than ketban.
taggalowengVery cold.Mentaggaloweng isnan Disyembre.It is very cold in December.
tagiboTo remove weeds.Tinagibowana nan om-ayo.He removed the weeds of your camote field.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
tagipTo cut into small pieces.Tagipem nan sayote.Cut into small pieces the sayote., take apart