monnu'1adv*how; in *what *manner or way; in what state or condition; to what deree; *happenpaanoKo-ungkay id saysay ku riyon to koniyu, momonnu siyak nolombusan.Now, I would explain to you how I was hexed by means of poison.Nomonnu ka man?'What happened to you?'Ahad duhiyon pe-en, kokita rin no duhiyon, peru kod ipanow sikandin, dii mad komonnu.Even the thorny bushes, he can see them, but when he walks through it, he was not hurt. (lit. nothing bad happened)2disc ptlExpression: Say!; wouldn't you agree.., what a...Monnu, moppiyon ingod ini.Wouldn>t you agree,, it>s a beautiful earth/world.unspec. var.monnuwon1

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