mv́rn:1face.Svrapè nø mv́rgwaqe.'The teacher has wide face.'6.1Body2classifier for counting numbers of pages or faces.Dèyaq nø vshø̀m mv́rwa rølúnòe.'Tonight I could only read three pages.'mv́r dvchøpn:halter, bridle.'face' + 'put on'mv́r dvchuqv.t:wash face.'face' + 'wash'=mv́r zv́lmv́r gáv.i:high self esteem.'face' + 'bright'mv́r gàngn:forehead of cow.=dv̀nggangmv́r lapn:the right/obverse side.'face' + 'side'mv́r sv̀mv.i:low self esteem.'face' + 'small'mv́r zv́lshìv.i:wash́rdaqn:face,́rdv̀ngloc.n:before, in front of.Àng mv́rdv̀ng dí svrenge.'I am fearful to walk before him.'mv̀rshv̀mn:face,́ryø̀2v.i:not happy, pockmarked person.'face' + 'thin'