2vmè1n:mother.Vmè loráì.'My mom has come home (or come back).'Nvmè ègòatnò.'Bring your mother.'Nvngshv́r àngmè nø Putáo rvgaq vle. 'Nvngsvr's mother lives in Putao.'8.1.9Kinship2clf:classifier for counting number of females or mothers.Chø̀m wa shǿːmò we tiqmè rá vle.'There is one who always sweeps the house.'Ngànímè sv̀ng lo mvhèe lánò pà íe. 'They probably think we (mother and daughter) are in a hurry to go back.'Vnímèmè shvdvt íe.'Both women were barren.'Svmàré tiqsémè.'One old woman.'9.2.7Classifiers3n:augmentative.Bóymè shòrkung dó lv́m dvduatnà.'They have arranged to provide food for the big celebration.'Lìpòngmè.'The big meeting.' affixesmèrungn:big thing.<Mangrung dialect.