kasundu'1na promise made to someoneWaya' lang siya kasāyud nga 'ang 'iya manga magūyang hay 'igwa nay kasundu' nga 'isa ka sultīru nga 'ipa'asāwa sa 'iya.She did not know that, as for her parents, there was already a promise which was an unmarried man who would be allowed to marry her.vSomeone agrees with someone else about a certain matter.ginkasundu''Igwa na 'akuy ginkasundu' nga pāra sa 'īmu mapapangasāwa.There was [something] that was agreed to by me that there is someone who will really become your spouse.cfhambayhambay1kasugtānan2 kasulatankundisyuntrātukasundū'annan agreement between two or among several peopleSa kadūgay nay pangalūyag ni Dun 'Inrīku kay Plurintīna, may kasundū'an sinda nga duha.During the long period of Don Enrico's courting Florentina, they two had an agreement [that Don Enrico would not sleep with Florentina for one month after they married].magkasundu'vA certain matter is agreed to by someone.Kung magkasundu' gid 'ining 'ātun manga 'unga' pagkatāpus nang 'inda kasay, kag nakikīta' ku 'ang 'inda ma'āyu nga pagsinundānan, 'insigīda taw'an ku sinda ning kapital sa pagpangabuhi'.If our children agree [with each other] after their wedding, and I see their good living together, immediately I will give them a capital investment for [their] living.nagkasundu'Natāpus 'adtu nga pag'inirgūhan; nagkasundu' sinda nga kung san'u 'ang kasay.That conversation was finished; they agreed when the wedding ceremony would be.napagkasundu'anNapagkasundu'an 'adtu nga didtu lang sa 'inda baryu kasayun.An agreement was able to be made that the wedding ceremony would be held at their village.pagkasundu'anvAn agreement is made by two or more people.

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