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n circular sitting place around a fire [Mare is an arrangement of stone-seats forming a circle as large as the number of people tooccupy the seats. The centre of the circle is a fire-place. In former times, each village orhouse had one or two of these |bmare|r. During bright moon-light, people would come outafter supper and sit there to entertain themselves. The old men would sit there and discusspolitics, economic issues, etc. Young people would listen to or narrate tales and ask allsorts of questions about life. Women would engage themselves in gossips and jokes abouttheir private and public lives.]Daf, Krf, Sha (sem. domains: 4.4.2 Sit (L&N 17.B), Space, place (L&N 80.A).)
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n cleansing ritual [In former times, the widows of the kocok (lyan) had to observe a set of rules pertaining to eating new food and newmarriage. Any violation of these rules, e.g. failure to take to a certain medicine before eating new food, could result in adisease which could only be healed by a makocok through a ritual called ** kuluk.]Daf (sem. domains: 4.16.2 Custom, tradition (L&N 41.B).)
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