laskaw1n. roots Atia yay sasa kang pagpabakëd tung ayu, ay kung anday mga laskaw na makali ilëm ang këmtang. Piru kung dakëlë yang mga laskaw na yang dumang mga laskaw nang naërëd ta adalëm ang indi ra ka napukis, mabuwi pa ka ëngëd yang ayu. Yang laskaw yang ayung atiya ya rag lulput.The roots of that (near hearer) tree, they are already coming-up (through the soil).Linaskaw̓anita ra yang aruman ta tung dalan.[different mng]Our (incl) companion waited for us on the trail.Atiya yay sasa kang pagpabakëd tung ayu, ay kung anday mga laskaw na makali ilëm ang këmtang. Piru kung may dumang mga laskaw nang naërëd ta adalëm ang indi ra ka napukis, mabuwi pa ka ëngëd yang ayu. They are one-thing that makes the tree strong because if it does not have any roots, it will soon fall-on-the-ground. But if it has other roots which are-buried deep (in the ground) which were not cut-off, the tree will still live irregardless.Inlëg̓anita yang aruman ta tung dalanAcc to Kudul, there are two kinds of laskaw. One is visible on the ground next to the tree, the other kind cannot be seen because it is buried in the soil. In terms of size, he says that "darakulu yang mga laskaw" is larger than a "lamut". As an example one could look at the root systerm of a tree which has been uprooted by a storm, you could then see all of its laskaw. Compared to lamut, laskaw are somewhat larger.synlamut

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