kuw̓ul1v.pile wood around s.t. to-be-reduced-to-ashesSasang bag̓ay ang nag̓aurnuw̓an ta apuy ang nag̓apalig̓arang ta mupiya para mapagba yang nag̓asiruk ang bëlëk ang mag̓ubraën ang apug.Kuw̓ulan mi ta durung langaw para magdëkal ta mupiya, para mapagba yang bëlëk. Pile-up a lot of firewood so that the flames will be high so that the (shell) of the tridacna clam can-become-lime.Nag̓akuw̓ulan nira yang kapungul yang ayung dakulu para mapatay.They are-stoking the base of the big treee so that it will-die.ayung dakulu dineetan ta apuy ang yang kapungul na nakilëm da pagkatapus, yang tinëgdana yang kapungul ang ayu, nag̓ing tanëk da purisu yang pangguuy duun kuw̓ul, yay matinlung panluwakan ta mga kalaw̓asa, ay anda ray matubung ilamununan.There is a big tree whose trunk set-afire with its trunk becoming-charred, afterwards the place where it stood became-soil, that is a good place to plant squash because there will be no weeds growing there.synurnu*dabdabkiyaw1antkaw̓u22n.ashes left after a tree has-been throughly consumed by fireYang lisu yang kalabasa tuw̓urun ming iluwak asan tung kuw̓ul.Collect the suash seeds to-be-planted there (near hearer) in the ashes of a tree.

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