tarrangadjLegal, lawful, licensed, legitimate (also matarrang).Tarrang in pagꞌusaha niya.His business is legal.nkatarranganLicense, written permit, proof of legality or legitimacy.Diꞌ kaw makabī bugas mataud bang way katarrangan mu dayn ha parinta.You cannot buy rice in large quantities if you don’t have a written permit from the government.viST pat -um-.To become legal, legitimate.Tumarrang sa in lupaꞌ mu yan bang mu kawaan sulat ha parinta.Your ownership of the land will become legitimate if you secure papers of ownership from the government.vtpat -un (usu. with pa₂).To make (something) legal.Subay tarrangun in pagdā sinapang pa lawm daira.The carrying of firearms into the city should be made legal.

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