Search results for "Nvng"

a /ɑ⁵³/ 1interj 感叹 okay (expresses agreement or recognition) 唉(表示答应) | a, nga mvding. Okay, I won't go. 唉,我不去了. 2interj 感叹 ah (expresses surprise) 噢(表示惊讶) | a, vtvng nvchung e? Hm? What are you saying? 噢,你说什么啊? 3interj 感叹 oh (used to make a deliberate pause) 啊(用来做故意停顿) | nvng a, na manvdi a? Nang, are you going or not? 娜啊,你去吗? 4prt 助词 question 吗(疑问) | matvtei saqdeu ra, a? Is it really interesting? 是不是很有趣?
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bot /bɔt⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 expand (in volume); inflate (体积)增大;膨胀 | gyaq ngang shaaq mvnvng bot tvcha e. After soaking in water, this thing is going to expand. 这个被水湿了以后会膨胀.
svbot vt 及物动 cause to expand; increase; exaggerate 使膨胀;增多;夸大
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Chin /tɕin⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 fifth-born female 老五(女) | Cf. Nun. Term of address: Chvnvng. 称呼: Chvnvng.
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deuqsheu /dɯʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 reflect (mentally) 反思 | mit nvnggvm pvdeuqsheu. You think hard on it. 你好好想(反思)一下.
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dvguan /də³¹gʷɑn⁵⁵/ conn and; with 和;跟 | nit dvguan neu wen vcvng beum. Cigarettes and alcohol are the most popular products. 烟和酒人买的比较多. | pvli dvguan two grandchildren 两个孙子 | Nvng dvguan Nang and her partner [Pung] 女的老大跟男的老大 | Joins two people or two items, only one of which has to be stated explicitly. Cannot include the speaker. 连接两个人或两个项目,其中只有一个要明确规定. 不能包括说话者.
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gvnvng /gə³¹nəŋ⁵⁵/ n praying mantis 螳螂
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lung /luŋ³¹/ prt 助词 recent past perfective (non-visual evidential) 完成体(刚刚完成,兼表非亲见) | vng looq luung. He went back (so he's not here). 他回去了(不在了). | Nvng mi vngza ton lung teuq e. Nang should have finished cooking the food (by now). 阿娜该把饭做好了. | na toi manvdi lung? Did you just go or not? 你刚才去了没有? | Speaker did not directly witness, but learned the result. 动作过程说话人没目睹,只发现结果.
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ma /mɑ⁵⁵/ v 1hide (with advance warning) 藏(提前准备) | gya nvnggvm pvma sheu. Hide this well, you two. (你俩)把这个藏好. 2hibernate 3keep a secret 保密
masheu vi 不及物动 hide oneself 躲藏
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mvnvng /mə³¹nəŋ⁵⁵/ post 后置 1after 然后 | puq ton mvnvng, nacei nacei tvli zang. After having bored a small hole, (I) slowly fit the bow into the hole. 钻好了小洞以后,我慢慢的把弩弓装进去. 2with 和;跟 | na nga mvnvng pvdi. Walk with me. 你跟我走.
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ngeun /ŋɯn⁵⁵/ v mourn (a dead person) 哀悼 | tvng le nvngeut? What are you mourning? 你哭什么? | (First Township) ngeut /ŋɯt⁵⁵/
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ning /niŋ⁵⁵/ prt 助词 and; with 和;与 | kaq ning waq chicken and pig 鸡和猪 | vng Pung ning mvnvng dii di. He and Pung went. 他跟阿普他们去了. | (First Township) nyi /ɲi⁵⁵/
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nvmdvgvm /nəm³¹də³¹gəm⁵³/ adv well 好好地 | (First Township) nvngdvgvm /ŋ³¹də³¹gəm⁵³/
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nvng /nəŋ⁵⁵/ v choke | nvnvng rang. I was choking. 我被噎了.
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Nvng /nəŋ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 first-born female 老大(女)
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nvnggvm /nəŋ³¹gəm⁵³/ adv well 好好地 > nvmdvgvm
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Nvngnungting /nəŋ⁵⁵nuk⁵⁵tiŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Nangnungting village 村名 | (First Township) Nvngnungteung /Nəŋ⁵⁵nuk⁵⁵tɯŋ⁵⁵/
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nvngpang /nək⁵⁵pɑŋ⁵³/ n surface 表面
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nyikua shi /ɲi³¹kʷɑ⁵³ ɕi⁵³/ v be worn out 疲惫;拼命 | nyikua shi mvnvng che dung. I was completely worn out by the time I arrived. 过了一个辛苦的旅程以后,我终于到了. | (Fourth Township) nikua shi /ni³¹kʷɑ⁵³ ɕi⁵³/
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pvnvng /pə³¹nəŋ⁵⁵/ v accumulate; save (money) 积攒;积累 | ngul nvnggvm papvnvngsheu. You two should save up some money. 你俩好好攒钱.
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suq /suʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 wring out (clothing) 拧(衣服) | gyaq gyoq suq pasvnvng. Help me wring out this clothing. 帮我拧这衣服.
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svneu /sə³¹nɯ⁵⁵/ v aim (weapon at a target) 瞄准 | nvnggvm pasvneeu. Aim well. 瞄准好!
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svnvng /sə³¹nəŋ⁵⁵/ v 1help 帮助;帮忙 | nga na le svnvng ning. I'll help you. 我帮你. | sanvng help each other 互相帮忙 2benefactive 收益格 | (Fourth Township) vnet /ə³¹nɛt⁵⁵/
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tei /təi⁵³/ 1v be big, large, broad | vra pe mei tei? Which one is bigger? 哪个大? | vngpuq tei broad 2vi 不及物动 grow up 长大 | nvteisheu mvnvng sheul shin. Wait until you two grow up, then we'll take you. 等你俩长大了带你俩去. 3adv very | tei gvm very good 很好
svtei vt 及物动 grow large; enlarge 变大;使大
tvtei v , adv very big; extremely; barely 庞大;非常;差一点
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teuq e /tɯʔ⁵⁵ ɛ³¹/ prt 助词 maybe; probably 推测语气词(或许) | Nvng mi vngza ton lung teuq e. Nang should have finished cooking the food (by now). 阿娜该把饭做好了. | vsan ni loq teuq e. Maybe he'll be back tomorrow. 他可能是明天要回来. | (Fourth Township) na e /nɑ⁵⁵ ɛ³¹/
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ton /tɔn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 finish (doing) (做)完;完成 | Nvng mi vngza ton lung teuq e. Nang should have finished cooking the food (by now). 阿娜该把饭做好了.
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