Search results for "beun"

beu /bɯ³¹/ prt 助词 go (andative deictic, from speaker's point of reference) 去(动作向外,说话人所处位置) | na pvdi beu. You go ahead. 你去吧. | nga ding beung ning. I'm going. 我去吧. | singho sot sot gym taq laqvpoq beu. It will make life better and better. (这会)让生活变得更美好.
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beun /bɯn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be soft; pliable 泡软 2be make soft and pliable 使泡软 | tashiq ngang mi chuq pvbeeun. Soften the crispy rice crackers in water for a little while. 锅巴在水里泡软了.
svbeun vt 及物动 make spongy soft 使泡软
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beun'chv'beun /bɯn⁵⁵tɕə³¹bɯn⁵⁵/ adv messily; dishevelled 蓬蓬松松;乱蓬蓬 ko pvma uni beun'chv'beun kya. That woman's hair has gotten all dishevelled. 那个女人头发乱蓬蓬. > chvbeun
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cheu /tɕɯ⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 catch (with a fishing net) (用夹网)夹(鱼) | ngvplaq cheu beung ning. I'm going to catch fish. 我去夹鱼. 2n fishing net (hung on two long bamboo canes) 夹网
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chvbeun /tɕə³¹bɯn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be unkempt (of hair) 头发乱蓬蓬
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*chvl /tɕəl⁵³/ n 1dimunitive 子(表示小的语尾) | Kvbeungchvl descendants of the Kabeung clan 肯顶家族的子孙 2baby (human and other animals) 小(动物);崽 | pvchiqchvl baby bird 小鸟 | pvmachvl baby girl (daughter) 女儿(女孩子) | shinchvl little plant 小草 | (Fourth Township) chvn /tɕən⁵³/
nvchvl n (your) child (你/你们的)孩子
vchvl n (my/our) child (我/我们的)孩子
vngchvl n (his/her/their) child (他/她/他们的)孩子
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Kvbeung /kə³¹bɯŋ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 Kabeung clan 家族名
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Labeun /lɑ³¹bɯn⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 dog name (often for dogs with long hair) 狗的名字(通常是体毛较长的狗)
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laiqwa /lɑiʔ⁵⁵wɑ³¹/ adv quickly; for a little while 短时间地;一会儿 | nga laiqwa ding beung ning. I'm going quickly, just for a little while. 我去一会儿. | Literally "like lightning". 直译“象闪电一样的”.
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lei /ləi⁵³/ v plant (sprouts, seedlings) 栽(苗) | seum lei beung ning. I am going to plant peach tree sprouts. 我去栽桃树吧. | liza lai we are planting seedlings 我们栽秧苗
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nvmbeung /nəm³¹bɯŋ⁵³/ n wind | nvmbeung wang the wind blows 风吹
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sheul /ɕɯl⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be cool; cold | ngang sheul di. The water is cold. 水凉了. 2be cool 变凉 3blow in (of wind into a room) 漏风 | nvmbeung sheul wind blows in 风吹
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svbeun /sə³¹bɯn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 make spongy and soft 使泡软 > beun
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wang /wɑŋ⁵⁵/ v blow (of wind) 刮(风) | nvmbeung wang ra. The wind is blowing. 刮风了.
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