Search results for "blem"

blem /blɛm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 overflow; spill | ngang blem pvngwa. The water is going to overflow. 水要溢出来了.
svblem vt 及物动 cause to overflow 使溢出
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svblem /sə³¹blɛm⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 cause to overflow 使溢出 > blem
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teum /tɯm⁵⁵/ post 后置 1after 以后 | teum ni the next day 第二天 2back; behind 后面 | vng teum do pa'vnolsheu. Walk with him slowly at the back (because he has a foot problem). 在后面带他(因为他脚疼走不动).
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vnol /ə³¹nɔl⁵³/ v guide; lead along (slowly) (慢慢地)带;领 | vng teum do pa'vnolsheu. Walk with him slowly at the back (because he has a foot problem). 在后面带他(因为他脚疼走不动).
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