Search results for "chan"

cha /tɕɑ⁵⁵/ v wait 等;等候 | vmi nvcha? Who are you waiting for? 你在等谁? | nga mudo chang. I'm waiting for the car. 我等车子. | chuq pvchoo! Wait a bit. 等一下.
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cha'raq /tɕɑ³¹rɑʔ⁵⁵/ n friend 朋友 | Often a partner in goods exchange. 经常来往交换物品的.
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chan /tɕɑn⁵³/ vt 及物动 stretch; extend (thread) 伸展(线)
chansheu vi 不及物动 straighten oneself; grow 伸腰;增长
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chansheu /tɕɑt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1stretch oneself (of people, animals); lean forward 伸腰;探身 | vnggeu chansheu stretch one's body 身伸腰 2grow; creep (of plants, vines) 增长(植物、瓜藤) > chan
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Chvngnai /tɕəŋ³¹nɑi⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 Changnai clan (in Burma) 家族名(在缅甸境内)
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cung wa /tsuŋ³¹ wɑ⁵³/ v engage in commerce; buy and sell 做买卖 | cung wa vcvng merchant, businessman 生意人 | cungwa kyeum small shop 小卖部
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cungba /tsuŋ³¹bɑ⁵⁵/ n merchant 生意人 | Tibetan loanword. 藏语借词.
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dungma /duŋ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n largest of the ritual banners, traditionally used during the Kralchang festival 幡(卡雀哇节使用) | Ritual expression la dungma means "the highest summit of a mountain". la dungma 意味着“最高峰”.
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galei /gɑ³¹ləi⁵³/ v exchange 交换 | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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gvlei /gə³¹ləi⁵³/ v 1alter 2change | svra gvlai change something (for something else) 换东西 | gvleisheu change clothing 换衣服 | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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gyangten /ɟɑk⁵⁵tɛn⁵⁵/ n chant and dance for conserving prosperity, performed during funerals 福舞(丧礼时) | Literally "holding the prosperity". 直译“拿福”.
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kahyaq /kɑ³¹xʲɑʔ⁵⁵/ n hoe (with metallic heads purchased in commercial exchanges) 锄头 | (Fourth Township) kasha /kɑ⁵⁵ɕɑ⁵³/
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kaka /kɑ⁵⁵kɑ⁵⁵/ adv 1different; by itself 不一样的;单独 | kaka mvli vcvng outsider 外地人 | kaka vpoq major change 巨大的变化 2special 特别
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klei /kləi⁵⁵/ v exchange; change; substitute 交换;换;替代 | gya mi klei ning. I'm going to exchange it for this one. 我用这个换. | (一乡)gya te klei yeung. I'm going to exchange it for this one. 我用这个换. | (Fourth Township) gvlei /gə³¹lɛi⁵³/
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Kralchang /krɑl³¹tɕɑŋ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 traditional New Year celebration 卡雀哇节(新年仪式) | Tibetan loanword (Kraltshang). 藏语借词.
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kvpoq /kə³¹pɔʔ⁵⁵/ v 1change; cause to change 改变;使变化 | nga mi vya lvgyit keuq kvpoq sang. I can edit this story. 我能编这个故事. 2invent 发明
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mvkyit /mə³¹cit⁵⁵/ n fritillary bulb (Fritillaria roylei) 贝母 | Used as a remedy, also in former times as a medium of exchange and part of tribute payments. 作为一种药,也是古代的交换方法和贡物. | (First Township) mvkit /mə³¹kit⁵⁵/
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ngang mvlong /ŋɑŋ⁵⁵ mə³¹lɔŋ⁵³/ n 1water channel (created naturally) 水渠(自然的) 2water route (between two places) 水路 | Literally "water road". 直译“水路”.
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nvm /nəm⁵⁵/ v sell | svra nvm sell merchandise 卖货 |
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poq /pɔʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1upend; turn over 翻;翻转 2change 3translate 翻译 | Gyakvt te pvpoq. Translate it into Chinese. 把它翻译到中文.
svpoq vt 及物动 develop 使变成
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poqsheu /pɔʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1flip oneself over 翻(身) 2become; change into 变成 | vngza kyi lokur ngvp wa vcvng poqsheu. That's what he had become: a person who could wolf down a whole big bamboo basket (of meat). 他成为了一个人能吃一大竹筐(肉)的人. > poq
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pralmang /prɑl³¹mɑŋ⁵⁵/ n ally (other clans or families from whom one receives brides in marriage exchanges) 盟友(传统婚姻交换制度,其他娶女性的家族,氏族)
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pru /pru⁵⁵/ n circular, chanted dance, usually around a fire 一种载歌载舞的舞蹈 | kyeumpru house dance 家舞
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rvlei /rə³¹ləi⁵⁵/ v 1switch; change | gyaq tvrung meun ra laqrvlai. This pillar has rotted through, switch it. 这个柱子腐烂了,换掉. | gyoq rvlei change clothes 换衣服 2correct; fix (a mistake) 改正(错误)
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shu /ɕu⁵³/ n 1bill of exchange 汇票 2slave; serf 奴隶 | shu dvbon sell or exchange slaves (in the type of arrangement once practiced in the region) 出售或交换奴隶(以前当地制度)
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