Search results for "deut"

chideut /tɕi³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n water rat 水鼠 | ngang do chideut lang. The water rat is swimming in the water. 水里有水鼠在游. |
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deut /dɯt⁵⁵/ n mouse; rat 老鼠 | (Fourth Township) dit /dit⁵⁵/
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deutdeung /dɯt⁵⁵dɯŋ⁵³/ n large mouse or rat 大老鼠
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deutdung /dɯn³¹duŋ⁵³/ n mouse burrow 老鼠洞
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deutgrong /dɯt⁵⁵grɔŋ⁵³/ n rodent path 老鼠道(草丛里老鼠爬行留下的路)
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deutna /dɯt⁵⁵nɑ⁵⁵/ n bait (for rodents) (老鼠)诱饵
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deutplu /dɯt⁵⁵plu⁵⁵/ n wild rodent (medium-sized, with a white stomach) 野鼠(体型中大,肚子白色)
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deutsai /dɯt⁵⁵sɑi⁵⁵/ n type of rodent 一种啮齿目的动物 | A kind of deuttei. 一种 deuttei.
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deuttei /dɯt⁵⁵təi⁵⁵/ n large type of rodent 一种啮齿目的动物(大)
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kyeumdeut /cɯm³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n house mouse 家鼠
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longdeut /lɔŋ³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n type of rodent 一种老鼠 | A kind of deuttei. 一种 deuttai.
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lungdeut /luŋ³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n type of large wild rodent (lives in caves) 石鼠(野外石洞里生活) | Literally "rock mouse". 直译“石鼠”.
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pvzung /pə³¹zuŋ⁵³/ n type of deuttai (rodent) 一种野鼠
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shingdeut /ɕiŋ³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n type of bird 树鸟 | Literally "tree mouse". 直译“树鼠”. | (First Township) sheungdeut /ɕɯŋ³¹dɯt⁵⁵/
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tangdeut /tɑŋ³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n type of rodent which lives in the woods 一种鼠(树林中生活)
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vzi /ə³¹zi⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 squeak (of a mouse) (老鼠)叫 | deut vzi ra. The mouse is squeaking. 老鼠在叫.
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