Search results for "gul"

be /bɛ³¹/ prt 助词 clause-linker (often conditional); if 联系(条件法) | vng di be, nga sheu ding. If he goes, I'll go too. 他去的话,我也去. | nawa do nvrong be, ngul tvng beum? How much money is it to fly? 坐飞机要多少钱?
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beut /bɯt⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 lose 损失 | ngul beumbeum beut di. A lot of money has been lost. 钱损失了很多.
beutsheu vi 不及物动 perish 遇难
svbeut vt 及物动 cause loss; punish 使损失;罚
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dala /dɑ³¹lɑ⁵⁵/ n reward; remuneration (劳动的)报酬 | dala ngul
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dong /dɔŋ⁵³/ v drink (continuously and in huge gulps) (大口地,连续地)喝 | neu svnaq doong di. The alcohol has all been guzzled up. 酒都喝光了.
svdong vt 及物动 make drink 使喝
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dvgul /də³¹gul⁵³/ v fidget (e.g. under a quilt) 微微移动(在被窝里) | mvndvgul neu ipgyeu ma'vgyong. Stop fidgeting, I'm exhausted but can't fall sleep. 别动,我睡不着. | vyaq svra mvndvgul. Don't move that thing around at all. 别动那个东西。
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dvngbeum /dəm³¹bɯm⁵⁵/ quant 数量 how much; how much; how many 多少 | (一乡)na ngul dvngbeu vl? How much money do you have? 你有多少钱? | (一乡)ngang dvngbeu rvnaq? How deep is the water? 水有多深? | gya dvngbeum e? How much is this? 这是多少? | (First Township) dvngbeu /dəŋ³¹bɯ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) tabeum /tɑ³¹bɯm⁵⁵/
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gleup /glɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1get stuck in 陷进 2disappear gradually 渐渐消失 | vng ruq do gleup di. He disappeared into the gully. 他消失在山沟里了.
svgleup vt 及物动 implant 嵌进
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gubeut /gu³¹bɯt⁵⁵/ v finish 完成 | ngul cvp gu mvbeut haven't finished paying a debt 还没有还完钱
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gul /gul⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 lay (egg) 孵出 | kati gul pvng'oo. The chick is going to lay an egg. 小鸡要孵出来了. | vng'leum gul lay an egg 鸟蛋孵出来
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gulung /gu³¹luŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 loop; circuit | vseum vbli gulung vkorsheu rotate three or four times 三四次转动 | gulung gulung circle around (looking) 一圈一圈地(寻找)
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gulvp /gu⁵⁵ləp⁵⁵/ n ritual of the opening of the door during the construction of a new house 开门仪式(建房时)
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hrop /xrɔp⁵⁵/ 1v slurp; drink (porridge) 喝(粥) | tupa hrop 2nclf 名量 gulp; mouthful (of liquid) (一)口(水) | nga mi ngang ti hrop ngvk. I drank a mouthful of water. 我喝了一口水. | ti hrop pv'ngaq. Drink it down in one gulp. 干杯. | (Fourth Township) hop /xɔp⁵⁵/
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hya /xʲɑ⁵⁵/ 1num hundred (100) | vni hya two hundred 二百 | vnghyahya several hundred 几百 2nclf 名量 cent (一)分(钱) | ngul ti hya one cent 一分钱 | (First Township) sha /ɕɑ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) sha /ɕɑ⁵⁵/
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ing /iŋ⁵⁵/ cop am (first-singular of "be") 是(1单) > Irregularly Inflected Form 屈折变体 e
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kaq nvpom /kɑʔ⁵⁵ nə³¹pɔm⁵⁵/ n chicken crop (pouch in the gullet where food is stored) 鸡嗉子 | Literally "chicken stomach". 直译“鸡胃”.
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kyong /cɔŋ⁵³/ 1v hang | sha kyong hang strips of meat 挂肉 2nclf 名量 long strip (一)串(肉) | sha ti kyong one (long rectangular) strip of meat 一串肉
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meu /mɯ⁵⁵/ 1n money | vtvng meu e? How much money is it? 多少钱? 2nclf 名量 yuan; unit of money (一)元;块 | ngul ti meu one unit of money 一元钱 3num ten thousand (10,000) | ti meu ten thousand 一万
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na /nɑ⁵³/ pro 1second-person singular (you) 2second-person singular possessive (your) 你的(领属)
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nei /nəi⁵³/ emph 强代 second-person singular agentive (you) (由)你(施事格) | nvkraq ebe, nei svt sa pv'oo. If you're mighty and powerful, you go and do it, kill them. 你很厉害的话,你去沙他们吧.
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-ng /ŋ⁵⁵/ v : Agreement first-person singular 第一人称单数 | laika wa ding ding jvgye chuq.
On the job I did a little writing work. 我去工作写东西.
| nga ewa mitshing. That's what I was thinking. 我是这样想(考虑)的.
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nga /ŋɑ⁵³/ pro 1first-person singular (I) 2first-person singular possessive (my) 我的(领属) | (First Township) vgo /ə³¹gɔ⁵³/
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ngei /ŋəi⁵³/ emph 强代 first-person singular agentive (I) (由)我(施事格) | gya ngei ring ning. I'll carry that. 这个我来背吧.
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ngul /ŋul⁵⁵/ n 1money 2silver 银子 | (Fourth Township) jaq /ʑɑʔ⁵⁵/
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ngulkri /ŋul³¹kri⁵⁵/ n large metal earring, generally decorated with stone and from Tibet 耳环(金属和石头作的,来自西藏)
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ngultiq /ŋul³¹tiʔ⁵⁵/ n small earring 耳环(小的) | (First Township) ngulteuq /ŋul⁵⁵tɯʔ⁵⁵/
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