Search results for "tar"

bvl /bəl⁵³/ interj 感叹 go ahead 来(语气词) | bvl pvpaang rvt. Go ahead and start. 来,开始吧.
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bvttvng /bət⁵⁵təŋ⁵³/ n type of bird 一种鸟 | bvttvng geuq be kam le cu. When the bvttvng bird starts calling, the bamboo begins to grow. 报春鸟鸣叫时出竹笋. | Known for announcing the arrival of Spring. 宣布夏天的到来.
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chaq /tɕɑʔ⁵⁵/ n foxtail millet (Setaria italica) 小米
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chvtar /tɕə³¹tɑr⁵³/ n waterfall 瀑布
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chvtartar /tɕə³¹tɑr⁵⁵tɑr⁵⁵/ n type of bird 一种鸟
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da /dɑ⁵³/ v gaze; stare at blankly (呆)看 | vtvng le nvda? What are you staring at? 你呆看什么?
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dajeu /dɑ³¹ʑɯ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be set up (of a target) (靶子)摆放着
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dokshang /dɔk⁵⁵ɕɑŋ⁵³/ n type of taro (with long tuber) 一种芋头(块茎较长)
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dvjeu /də³¹ʑɯ⁵⁵/ v set up (a target) 摆放(靶子) | langga dvjer
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gansheu /gɑt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 start walking (of toddlers) 开始起步 | nagoq tvsa gansheu. The baby just started walking. 娃娃刚刚起步. > gan
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glom /glɔm⁵³/ v set (of the sun, stars) (太阳)落(山) | nvm glom di. The sun just set. 太阳落山了.
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grai /grɑi⁵³/ vi 不及物动 die (by freezing or starving) (冻、饿)死 | vng lvka do grai wa. I hear he died up on the mountain (of unnatural causes). 说他死在山上了.
svgrai vt 及物动 freeze; starve to death 使冻;饿死
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gui /gʷi⁵⁵/ n taro (general) 芋头(总称)
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guigor /gʷi³¹gɔr⁵⁵/ n type of taro 一种芋头
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guina /gʷi³¹nɑ⁵³/ n type of taro 一种芋头
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guiplu /gʷi³¹plu⁵⁵/ n type of taro 一种芋头
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gurmet /gur³¹mɛt⁵⁵/ n star | (First Township) gunyit /gu³¹ɲit⁵⁵/
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gvleuq /gə³¹lɯʔ⁵⁵/ n taro flower (edible after cooking) 芋头花(食物)
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hai /xɑi⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be acrid (flavor of sprouting potatoes, certain liquids, corn or taro going bad) 涩;(绿洋芋)麻嘴
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hru /xru⁵⁵/ v roast in the flames (e.g. meat, peeled potato, taro, or corn) (把去皮的熟食)烤(在火炭上) | gyaq gui chuq pvhru rvt. Roast this taro for a while. 这芋头烤一下. | (Fourth Township) tvhu /tə³¹xu⁵⁵/
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hvng /xəŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be dazed; stare into space 发呆
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hyvngwa /xʲəŋ⁵⁵wɑ³¹/ adv directly; straight (without stopping or tarrying) 直接;不停顿地 | (四乡)vgui lai ong shvngwa pvdi. Straight ahead on the left. 一直走,在左边。 | (Fourth Township) shvngwa /ɕəŋ⁵⁵wɑ³¹/
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jeum'lv'jeum /ʑɯm⁵⁵lə³¹ʑɯm⁵⁵/ adv twinkling (stars); blinking (eyes) 一闪一闪(星星、眼睛) | gurmet jeum'lv'jeum the stars twinkling 星星闪烁
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jibeu /ʑi³¹bɯ⁵⁵/ n guitar 吉他
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jin6 /ʑin⁵³/ n type of edible taro 野毛芋(可食)
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