为 "raqsheu" 的搜索结果

braqsheu /brɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v take up (with both hands) 端起 | shong nvbraqsheu hold the chopsticks (with both hands) 端起筷子 > braq
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hraqsheu /xrɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 get angry and respond defiantly (espeically of an animal when provoked) (动物受刺激)发怒;顶嘴
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kraqsheu /krɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v shake; shake out 抖;抖落 | na gyoq chuq pvkraqsheu. Shake your clothing a bit. 把你的衣服抖一下.
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meu /mɯ³¹/ prt 助词 1perfective non-visual (daytime occurrence) 完成体(白天完成或发生,兼表非亲见意义) | Pung zaai meu. Pung got sick (as I discovered upon my return). 阿普生病了(早上还好好的,我回来发现他病了). 2mirative evidential (discovery of result) 发现体(结果) | vng (tvnni) gyoq jvl meu. He washed clothes (today, as I saw from the clothes hanging up). 她今天洗衣服了. | vya pvgyvnggyvng meu. Just go have a look, just have a look. 你去看看一下. | geu svraqsheu meu, tvng nvso. They might have been feeling a little ashamed, you know? 他们可能是感到惭愧,你知道吗?
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raqsheu /rɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v have; possess 拥有 | nga chvmmra vni gyoq, nagoq ti gyoq (raqshing). I have two kids and one baby. 我有两个小孩子, 一个娃娃.
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svraq /sə³¹rɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be shy 害羞 | svraqsheu mvgol don't be shy 不用害羞 | svraq mvraq sorry (I feel bad about it) 不好意思;对不起
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