为 "vdeum" 的搜索结果

brem /brɛm⁵³/ v toast (in the flames) (在火焰上)烤 | mvdeum chuq pvbreem. Let the torch burn (in the flames) a bit. 把火把烤一下. | (Fourth Township) prem /prɛm⁵³/
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charlam /tɕɑr³¹lɑm⁵⁵/ n gutter (under the eaves of a house) 屋檐下房屋四周的水沟 | charlam do ngang beumbeum vdeum. There's a lot of water in the gutter. 屋檐下房屋四周的水沟里积水很多. |
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dvdeum /də³¹dɯm⁵³/ n pond 池塘;水池 | ngang dvdeum
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jul'lv'jul /ʑul⁵⁵lə³¹ʑul⁵⁵/ adv flickering (of fire) (火)一暗一亮 | (一乡)tvni nvdeum jul'le'jul the torch flickering 火把一亮一暗 | First Township. 一乡话.
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la- /lɑ³¹/, /lɑʔ⁵⁵/ v jussive (indirect directive) 祈使式(说话人建议或希望第三方进行或不进行某种动作) | vng la'ip. (You should) put him to sleep. 让他睡吧(我希望). | vng ewa laqmvgeuq. (I'd rather) you not let him speak that way. 别让(我不希望)他那样说. | vng laqmamvdeum wa. (Someone said) he shouldn't go back. (某人说)他别返回去了. | Often followed immediately by negative marker. laq- is used before two-syllable and already prefixed verbs. 常常加否定词在后面.laq- 用在双音节动词(包括其他语法前缀)前.
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mvdeum /mə³¹dɯm⁵⁵/ v 1return (item) 归还(东西) 2retaliate; take revenge 包袱
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mvdeum /mə³¹dɯm⁵³/ v 1return (from midway) (中途)返回 | vng mvdeum di. He went back (when only part way there). 他返回去了. 2retreat 撤退
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mvdeum /mə³¹dɯm⁵³/ n torch; lamp 火把 | tvmi mvdeum | (First Township) nvdeum /nə³¹dɯm⁵³/
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svdeum /sə³¹dɯm⁵⁵/ v fell (trees) 使(树木)倒
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vdeum /ə³¹dɯm⁵³/ 1) vi 不及物动 accumulate; be stored (e.g. water in a pool) (水)积(成塘) gya do ngang vdeeum ri. Water is stored here. 这里积了水了. 2) vi 不及物动 drink from the same glass, cheek to cheek 喝同心酒 neu vdeum 3) n granary; barn; storehouse 粮仓 > deum
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vra /ə³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be friendly; feel goodwill towards 和睦;和 | vngne chuq sheu ma'vra. The two of them don't get along at all. 他俩一点也不和. | vdeum do mit vrasheu. Our relations are good. 我们的关系很好. 2agree 同意 | vng ma'vra. He doesn't agree. 他不同意. 3be the same 相同;一样
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