为 "bring" 的搜索结果

bring /briŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 long, thin object (一)条(绳子) | i ti bring one hemp thread 一条麻 | (First Township) breung /brɯŋ⁵⁵/
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keui /kɯi⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 long thin objects (thread, rattan) (一)根(线、藤) | cvri ti keui one thread 一根线 | vngkeui ti keui one length of rope 绳子一根 | (Fourth Township) bring /briŋ⁵⁵/

ikeui n hemp thread 麻线
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keuq /kɯʔ⁵⁵/ v lead; bring along | nagoq keuq lead along the child 领小孩

tvkeuq vt 及物动 pull; tug 拉出
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kya /cɑ⁵³/ v 1accomplish, be able (completive) 得了(能做) | nga di mvkyang. I can't walk. 我走不动了. | lu svkya bring something over (应该)拿过来 | nga loq svkya. I have to get back. 我得回去. | dop kya very formidable 很厉害 | vcvng mvkya can't fit people 坐不下人 2happen 发生 3reach (time, age etc.) 到(时间、年龄) | nga vpei dvgeu cal ning kya. My father is ninety years old. 我的父亲到了九十岁. | vteum neu vhreui kya sa. By then it was evening. 到了晚上. 4get sick 生病 | ze kya vcvng leper 麻风病人
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medineu /mɛ⁵⁵di⁵⁵nɯ³¹/ conn if not; otherwise 否则 | nagoq za di neu, krakraq mvnkyeum le pvsheul, medineu za mvgvm. If the baby gets sick, bring it to a hospital quick or else the illness may not get better. 婴儿病的话,赶快送医院,否则病是不会好的.
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ngeumsheu /ŋɯp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1bow head 低头 2bend over 弯腰 | nga ngeumsheu jin jvgye bring. I have to bend over to write. 我弯着腰写. > v'ngeum
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pvla /pə³¹lɑ⁵³/ n spirit; soul 灵魂 | gyaq pvla neu ko vcvng pvla e. This spirit is that that person's soul. 这个灵魂是那个人的灵魂. | Vital principle thought to accompany all living beings, the disappearance of which brings about death. 被认为陪众生的活力,消失的话就死了.
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rvt /rət³¹/ prt 助词 venitive deictic (towards a reference point) 来(动作向心) | vdoi sang rvt ning. I'll bring it over in a little bit. 我一会儿送来(某物). | hra pvso rvt. Bring over the basket. 送一下篮子. | (四乡)vkang di rvt. Grandfather's coming! 爷爷来啦! | Use after transitive verbs (Third Township), or use in place of -ra (Fourth Township). Used with imperative to sound more polite. 加在及物动词后.跟命令式同时使用更礼貌.
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sheul /ɕɯl⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1carry; bring 领;带 | nagoq wangchvng le mvnsheul neu. Don't bring the baby down to the riverside. 别把孩子带到江边. 2invite 邀请 | (First Township) shul /ɕul⁵³/ | (Fourth Township) sheun /ɕɯn⁵⁵/
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sholaq /ɕɔ³¹lɑʔ⁵⁵/ 1v raise; bring up 培养 2v educate 教育 3n caregiver; maid 保姆 4n hired hand 帮佣 (Now uncommon. 不经常用。)
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svblon /sə³¹blɔn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 revive; bring back to life 救活 > blon
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svbreut /sə³¹brɯt⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 bring down; make collapse 使垮;弄垮 > breut
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