为 "chin" 的搜索结果

baisan /bɑi³¹sɑn⁵⁵/ n type of hunting trap 一种扣子 | Involves a sweetened acorn dangling from a string attached to a tree branch, used for catching small creatures. 用从树枝上绳线叼着的甜橡子来捕捉小动物.
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beu /bɯ³¹/ prt 助词 remote past perfective 完成体(很久以前完成或发生) | vng Peching le dii beui. He went to Beijing (a long time ago). 他(很久以前)去北京了. | toi v'mlo beu forgot long ago 早就忘了 | na nvgreung beui ka pvmit. Remember your own words. 记住你自己的话.
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beum /bɯm⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1lie; crouch | dvgeui dvmbong lok beum. The dog is lying down in the yard. 狗在院子里卧着. 2(hen) incubate (an egg) (母鸡)孵(蛋) | kaq kaqdung do beum. The chicken is in the coop hatching an egg. 鸡在鸡窝里孵蛋.

svbeum vt 及物动 put (a child) to sleep 使(孩子)躺下(睡觉)
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chakang /tɕɑ³¹kɑŋ⁵⁵/ n mug; cup 茶缸;口缸;杯子 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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chin /tɕin⁵⁵/ 1v tie up | lvgru pvchinsheu. Tie up your shoes. 把鞋系上. 2n laces 带子 | lvgru chin shoelaces 鞋带
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Chin /tɕin⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 fifth-born female 老五(女) | Cf. Nun. Term of address: Chvnvng. 称呼: Chvnvng.
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ching /tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be small; tiny | vngsaq ching quiet 轻声 2be thin; fine 瘦;细 | vnggeu ching He's small (in stature). 个子小. 3be cramped; narrow | (First Township) cheung /ɯŋ⁵³/
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ching'ra /tɕiŋ³¹rɑ⁵³/ n younger sibling 弟弟;妹妹
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chinit /tɕi³¹nit⁵⁵/ n type of water rat 鼠(生活在水中)
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Chinreuidvm /tɕin³¹rɯi⁵³dəm⁵⁵/ top 地名 Chinreuidam (Fourth Township Village) 钦浪当(四乡村名)
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chiq /tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ v 1pinch | aang nvchiq rang. He's pinching me. 他掐我. 2wash (hands) 洗(手) | ur pvchiqsheu. Wash your hands a bit. 洗一下手吧. 3suckle (at a breast) 吃(奶) | nung chiq suckle at a breast 吃奶 | (First Township) cheuq /ɯʔ⁵⁵/
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choseu /tɕɔ³¹sɯ⁵³/ n classroom 教室 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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chul /tɕul⁵⁵/ n 1Chinese mahogany tree (Cedrela chinensis) 椿树 2camphor tree 樟树 Cinnamonum camphara | (Fourth Township) chun /tɕun⁵⁵/
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chvnggyan /tɕəŋ³¹ɟɑn⁵³/ n lower back; small of the back 后腰 | (Fourth Township) dvmching /dəp⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/
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co'ceuq /tsɔ³¹tsɯʔ⁵⁵/ n table 桌子 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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deumching /dəp⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/ n lower back 后腰 | Fourth Township. 四乡话. | (First Township) deumcheung /dvp⁵⁵tɕɯŋ⁵³/
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deun /dɯn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1use to pen (animals) 以...围起来 2spring (a trap or tool for catching animals) 下(捕捉猎物的工具)
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dot /dɔt⁵⁵/ v prop up 顶;抵住 | nvpching gya mi pvdoot. Use this to prop open the door. 门用这个抵住.
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geu /gɯ⁵⁵/ prt 助词 tag question 是否问句(是不是) | vng gya geu e? Is he Chinese or not? 他是不是汉人? | (Fourth Township) gung /guŋ⁵⁵/
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gvlung /gə³¹luŋ⁵⁵/ v 1fuss with 折腾 | Pung chichi gvlung. Pung is fussing with the machine (trying to repair it). 阿普在折腾(修理)机器. 2wrangle with 闹腾 | dvgeui nvpching gvlung. The dog is wrangling with the door (because he wants to get out). 狗在闹门(要出去).
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Gya /ɟɑ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 Han Chinese ethnic group 汉族
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Gya mvli /ɟɑ⁵⁵ mə³¹li⁵³/ n 1interior (land) 内地 2Han Chinese territory 汉人住的地方
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Gya vcvng /ɟɑ⁵⁵ ə³¹tsəŋ⁵³/ nprop 专有名 Han Chinese people 汉人;汉族人
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Gyakvt /ɟɑ³¹kət⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 Chinese language 汉语
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gyoqra chichi /ɟɔ³¹rɑ⁵³ tɕi⁵⁵tɕi³¹/ n Chinese loom 织布机(汉族的)
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