为 "chop" 的搜索结果

braqsheu /brɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v take up (with both hands) 端起 | shong nvbraqsheu hold the chopsticks (with both hands) 端起筷子 > braq
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chop /tɕɔp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be satisfied 满意 | mit chop
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dei /dəi⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 be sharp (knife) (刀)快 2v chop 砍得动 3v bite off 咬得动 | gyaq sha mvdei. This meat I can't bite off. 这肉我咬不动.
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gyvm /ɟəm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be even (length) (长短)齐 | gyaq shong mvgyvm. The chopsticks are not the same length. 这筷子不齐.
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huai /xʷɑi⁵⁵/ v split (by chopping) 划(破) | bvngtuq huai incomplete tattoo 不完整的纹身
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jiqjiq /ʑiʔ⁵⁵ʑiʔ⁵⁵/ adv thinly; finely 细细地 | jiqjiq pa'vjiiq. Chop it very finely. 把它切得细细地. | (First Township) jeuqjeuq /ʑɯʔ⁵⁵ʑɯʔ⁵⁵/
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kleum /klɯm⁵³/ v chop (something soft) 用力砍(软质的东西) | (一乡)shvm te pvkleum. Chop it forcefully with the knife. 你用力猛砍.
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lu /lu⁵³/ vt 及物动 1take; pull out | shong nvlu. Take the chopsticks. 拿过来筷子 | ko pvlu rvt sheu. You two take that out. (你俩)把那个拿过来. 2marry (a woman); take a wife | pvma lu
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mvgyep /mə³¹ɟɛp⁵⁵/ v press from both sides (to pick up, e.g. food with chopsticks) 夹;钳 | magyeq be pressed from both sides; wedged between 夹着
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reum /rɯm⁵⁵/ v chop down (big tree) 砍(倒大树) | vng shing reum ra. He is chopping down trees. 他在砍树.
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shakeum /ɕɑ³¹kɯm⁵⁵/ n chopping board 菜板
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shong /ɕɔŋ⁵⁵/ n chopsticks 筷子
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shongdong /ɕɔŋ³¹dɔŋ⁵⁵/ n chopsticks holder 筷子筒
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tot /tɔt⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 cut 割;剪 2vt 及物动 chop; hew | gyaq shing pvtoot rvt. You come chop up this piece of wood. 你来把这木头砍断. 3n scissors 剪刀 4nclf 名量 section (一)节;(一)段 | shingtot wooden stick 木棍 | mvlong ti tot one section of road 一段路 | na nvshung pe tot the part that you like 你喜欢的部分 5nclf 名量 armful (一)载
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vcep /ə³¹tsɛp⁵⁵/ v chop; split | nga shing vcep pvngwang. I'm going to chop firewood. 我要劈柴.

vcepsheu vi 不及物动 be cleaveable (柴)劈得开
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vduq /ə³¹duʔ⁵⁵/ v chop off; trim (tree branch) 砍(枝桠) | gyaq shing pa'vduqsheu. You two cut the branches off this tree. 你俩把这个树的枝桠砍掉.
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vhrvt /ə³¹xrət⁵⁵/ v chop (large bunches of grass, vegetables etc.) 切(成捆的草,菜) | waza pa'vhrvt sheu. You two chop up the pig feed. 你俩切猪食.
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vjep /ə³¹ʑɛp⁵⁵/ v chop up; mince | nei sha pa'vjeep. You chop up the meat. 你剁肉.
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vkrvp /ə³¹krəp⁵⁵/ v chop (meat) 砍(肉)
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vteup /ə³¹tɯp⁵⁵/ v cut down; chop (meat) 砍(肉)
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