为 "cin" 的搜索结果

bvnghreu /bəŋ³¹xrɯ⁵⁵/ n 1briar; bramble (e.g. blackberry vine) 荆棘;黑刺梅 2thorn | Much used in traditional medicine and tattooing. 用于传统医学、文面.
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bvngnga /bəŋ³¹ŋɑ⁵⁵/ n Rhizoma Paridis (medicinal herb) 重娄(药材)
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bvttvng /bət⁵⁵təŋ⁵³/ n type of bird 一种鸟 | bvttvng geuq be kam le cu. When the bvttvng bird starts calling, the bamboo begins to grow. 报春鸟鸣叫时出竹笋. | Known for announcing the arrival of Spring. 宣布夏天的到来.
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chul /tɕul⁵⁵/ n 1Chinese mahogany tree (Cedrela chinensis) 椿树 2camphor tree 樟树 Cinnamonum camphara | (Fourth Township) chun /tɕun⁵⁵/
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cin /tsin⁵⁵/ v pluck (e.g. hairs from a beard) 拔出(毛发)
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co'naq /tsɔ³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/ n direction in which spirits face, and towards which a dead person should be facing in order to become a spirit 一种鬼灵存在的方向 | (一乡)mvr co'naq lai le maqvpoq hreq pvwasheu. Don't turn your face in the direction of the spirits. 不要把脸朝向鬼灵存在的那个方向. | After a person dies and his face is in the spirit direction, he will remain dead (unable to become a spirit). 人死后如果脸朝向“朝拿”,就会继续死人.
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den /dɛn⁵⁵/ v speak convincingly 讲道理 | vng kvt den vcvng e. He's someone who speaks convincingly. 他是讲道理的人. | ka mvden unconvincing words 讲的没有道理
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huap'lv'huap /xʷɑp⁵⁵lə³¹xʷɑp⁵⁵/ adv pacing back and forth (stirring up the air) 人走来走去(产生的风尘) | (一乡)huap'le'huap mvwa vl, vngza vpeur. Don't keep moving back and forth, dust is falling in the food and getting it dirty. 不要动来动去,灰尘掉进饭里不干净.
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jin /ʑin³¹/ prt 助词 recent past perfective (visual evidential) 完成体(刚刚完了,亲见) | mvn kei jin. I just took the medicine. 药我刚吃了. | Only used with first-person agent. 只用于第一人称做施事的动词后.
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kizinzin /ki³¹zin⁵³zin⁵⁵/ n flood; deluge 洪水 | kizinzin wa vlang. It was the time of the Great Flood. 是洪水的时间. | Said to derive from the sound produced by a bird spirit announcing the rising waters. By itself, kizin can designate something abnormally large, or the idea of colossal size. Also ngang kizinzin, ngang kizin, kizin ki. 据传说来自宣布洪水鸟神做的声音.单独用可以指定异常大,巨大的概念.
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kvreng sung /kə³¹rɛŋ⁵⁵ suŋ⁵³/ n seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata) 七星瓢虫
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lot /lɔt⁵⁵/ n bezoar (a concretion trapped in the stomach of certain ruminants, used in Chinese medicine) 牛黄(用于中医)
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lvsom /lə³¹sɔm⁵⁵/ n musk (used as medicine) 麝香(一种药材)
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lvwang /lə³¹wɑŋ⁵⁵/ n outdoor area (facing house) (相对屋里的)户外
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marong /mɑ³¹rɔŋ⁵⁵/ n type of medicinal plant (possibly coltsfoot) 一种药材(可能是冬花)
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mvkya mvna /mə³¹cɑ⁵⁵ mə³¹nɑ⁵⁵/ adv by every possible means 千方百计 | ngei mi mvkya mvna mameut wa jvl. I am forcing him by every possible means to become a soldier. 我强迫他当兵.
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mvn /mən⁵⁵/ 1n medicine; pill | mvn beumbeum wen buy a lot of pills 买很多约 2v be efficacious (of medicine) (药)有效 | gyaq mvn mvn. This medicine is effective. 这药有效. | Tibetan loanword. 藏语借词.
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paq /pɑʔ⁵⁵/ num (one) half (of an animal) (一)半 | Severed half of an animal after slicing down the middle of its body, separating forelegs and hindlegs. 从身体中间划开,前腿和后腿各划一半.
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peq /pɛʔ⁵⁵/ n 1skin; peel 2shell 3ear or spike (of wheat or other grain-producing plants)
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rvmusha /rə³¹mu⁵³ɕɑ⁵³/ n type of medicinal plant 黄精果(一种药材)
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rvsaq /rə³¹sɯ⁵⁵/ n water spirit (水里的)鬼 | rvsaq laq! Oh god! (This is serious.) 天啊!(不得了) | Known for seducing human souls. 会勾引人的灵魂.
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shingca /ɕiŋ³¹tsɑ⁵⁵/ n Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis) 黄连 | Used in Chinese medicine and as a kind of currency in former times. 用于中医,以前用于金钱. | (First Township) sheungca /ɕɯŋ³¹tsɑ⁵⁵/
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shiwang'at /ɕi⁵⁵wɑŋ⁵⁵ɑt⁵⁵/ n type of medicinal plant 一种药材
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som /sɔm⁵³/ v incinerate (small insects and random items by throwing them in the fire) (把小虫、杂碎的东西扔到火里)烧
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svkol /sə³¹kɔl⁵⁵/ v 1boil | cha pasvkool. You boil tea. 你煮茶. 2decoct; cook (herbal medicine) 熬(药)
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