为 "dvgeui" 的搜索结果

beum /bɯm⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1lie; crouch | dvgeui dvmbong lok beum. The dog is lying down in the yard. 狗在院子里卧着. 2(hen) incubate (an egg) (母鸡)孵(蛋) | kaq kaqdung do beum. The chicken is in the coop hatching an egg. 鸡在鸡窝里孵蛋.

svbeum vt 及物动 put (a child) to sleep 使(孩子)躺下(睡觉)
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dvgeui /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵/ n dog | (First Township) dvgi /də³¹gi⁵⁵/
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dvgeui kvt /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ kət⁵⁵/ n expletive; curse words 脏话;淫秽的话 | Literally "dog talk". 直译“狗语”.
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dvgeui meul /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ mɯl⁵³/ n dog fur 狗毛
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dvgeui sa /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ sɑ⁵³/ n incisor (tooth) 犬齿;门牙
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dvgeui wa /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ wɑ⁵³/ v commit adultery 通奸;私通 | Literally "act like a dog". 直译“像狗”.
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dvgeuitvng /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵təŋ⁵⁵/ n puppy 小狗
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dvgleut /də³¹glɯt⁵⁵/ v swallow whole (a large chunk of something) (把大块的东西)囫囵吞下 | shacheq dvgeuitvng mi vya keuq dvgleeut di. The little dog directly swallowed whole a chunk of meat. 小狗把肉块直接吞了.
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grvt /grət⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 bite | dvgeui mi nvgrvt rang. The dog bit me. 狗咬了我. 2nclf 名量 bite; instance of biting (一)咬

mvgrvt v grip; pinch 揪;抓
svgrvt vt 及物动 make bite 使咬
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guqsheu /guʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 doze (of a dog by the firepit) (狗)睡(在火塘边) | dvgeui mvkung tung do guqsheu. The dog is dozing in the corner by the firepit. 狗睡在火塘边.
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gvlung /gə³¹luŋ⁵⁵/ v 1fuss with 折腾 | Pung chichi gvlung. Pung is fussing with the machine (trying to repair it). 阿普在折腾(修理)机器. 2wrangle with 闹腾 | dvgeui nvpching gvlung. The dog is wrangling with the door (because he wants to get out). 狗在闹门(要出去).
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kan /kɑn⁵⁵/ v call; summon (especially domestic animals) 唤(家畜) | dvgeui pvkaan rvt. Call the dog over. 把狗唤过来.
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laq /lɑʔ⁵⁵/ v lick | dvgeui peurkoq laq ra. The dog is licking the bowl. 狗在舔碗.
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meul /mɯl⁵⁵/ n hair, body 毛发;羽毛 | dvgeui vngmeul dog hair 狗毛 |
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muq dvgeui /muʔ⁵⁵ də³¹gɯi⁵⁵/ n stick insect 竹节虫 | Literally "sky dog". 直译“天狗”.
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ngvp /ŋəp⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 chomp (大口)咬 | na dvgeui mi nv'ngvp rang. Your dog chomped me. 你的狗咬了我. 2nclf 名量 chomp (一)大口

sv'ngvp vt 及物动 make bite 使咬
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preu /prɯ⁵³/ v pull off 拔出(毛发) | nganggyit mi dvgeui meul preu. pull off dog hair with boiling water (用) 开水来拔出来狗毛
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reum /rɯm⁵⁵/ n infectious disease (domestic animals) 瘟疫 | dvgeui reum dog disease 狗瘟
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shakuan /ɕɑ³¹kʷɑn⁵⁵/ n hunt; hunting 打猎 | shakuan dvgeui hound; hunting dog 猎犬 | shakuan vcvng hunter 猎人
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sung /suŋ⁵⁵/ v protect; guard 守护 | nga dvgeui kyeum sung sa sung e. My dog is trained to guard the house. 我的狗是养来看家的. | Also used in personal names. 也用于人名.
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te /tɛ⁵⁵/ v 1compare | dvgeui te compare to a dog 比做狗 2describe.as 形容
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tvshi /tə³¹ɕi⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 kill (cause to die) 弄死 | dvgeui mi kaq tvshii luung. The dog caused the chicken's death. 狗把鸡弄死了. > shi
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vngma /əŋ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n wound 伤口 | dvgeui mi kai vngma wound from a dog bite 狗咬的伤口
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