为 "hru" 的搜索结果

chvkut /tɕə³¹kut⁵⁵/ v 1shrink 缩成 | vng vngpong kya hreq chvkutsheu. It shrunk into something round. 他缩得象个圆型. 2bend; warp 弯曲
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hru /xru⁵⁵/ v roast in the flames (e.g. meat, peeled potato, taro, or corn) (把去皮的熟食)烤(在火炭上) | gyaq gui chuq pvhru rvt. Roast this taro for a while. 这芋头烤一下. | (Fourth Township) tvhu /tə³¹xu⁵⁵/
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ra /rɑ⁵³/ v shoulder 耸肩 | ra kya shrug 耸肩
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tvhruq /tə³¹xruʔ⁵⁵/ v cover (coop, basket) (笼子、篮子)套;罩;盖 | kaq hra mi patvhruuq. Use the basket to coop up the chicken. 鸡用篮子罩(关)上.
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vhrul /ə³¹xrul⁵⁵/ v 1poke through (with a little stick) (用小棍子)捅 2dig out (e.g. a cave) 挖(洞穴等)
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vsheup /ə³¹ɕɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be shrivelled or shrunken 2shrink; contract 缩紧
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