为 "let" 的搜索结果

banda /bɑn³¹dɑ⁵⁵/ n barnyard millet 鸡爪谷;稗子 | Other types are zai, zvtan. 其他种类包括 zai, zvtan.
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blu /blu⁵⁵/ v discuss; talk over; negotiate 商量;商议 | ing blu chuq waai neu. Let's discuss it a bit. 我们商量一下.
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brang /brɑŋ⁵³/ v split off; split up; separate 分别;分手 | gya do vbraang neu. Let's split up here. 我们在这里分手吧.
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brem /brɛm⁵³/ v toast (in the flames) (在火焰上)烤 | mvdeum chuq pvbreem. Let the torch burn (in the flames) a bit. 把火把烤一下. | (Fourth Township) prem /prɛm⁵³/
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chaq /tɕɑʔ⁵⁵/ n foxtail millet (Setaria italica) 小米
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cheng /tɕɛŋ⁵³/ n percussion instrument (usually large drum hit with a mallet) 芒锣
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cher /tɕɛr⁵⁵/ n kernel (husked grain) 颗粒(脱壳后的粮食) | vmbeu cher rice grain 大米颗粒 | tabong cher corn kernel 包谷颗粒 | zaicher pearl millet kernel 小米颗粒
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cvm /tsəm⁵⁵/ v 1be sociable; get on well with others 和群 | vng lambroq le mvcvm vcvng e. He's not very sociable with friends. 他(跟朋友)是个不和群的人. 2muster; gather up completely 集中(全部) | nungngua cvm herd all of the cattle together (so that none are missing) 把牛集中起来 | (Fourth Township) rvm /rəm⁵⁵/
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do /dɔ⁵³/ interj 感叹 let's go 走吧 | do, loq shin. Let's go, let's head back (the two of us). 走吧,我俩回去吧.
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dvgeui kvt /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ kət⁵⁵/ n expletive; curse words 脏话;淫秽的话 | Literally "dog talk". 直译“狗语”.
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dvgyu /də³¹ɟu⁵⁵/ n bullet 子弹 | (Fourth Township) di'u /di³¹u⁵⁵/
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gol /gɔl⁵⁵/ v 1need 需要 | nga kyeum le loq sa gol. (Something serious has happened) I have to go home. 我得回家(出事了). | mvgol mit mvntvsha neu. Don't be nervous, don't grieve. 不要紧,别伤心. | mvgol you're welcome (don't bother) 不客气;没事 2let (hortative) 激励 | kei gol let's eat 吃吧 | vtvng svna sei gol what are you doing getting angry 干吗生气呢?
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gor /gɔr⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be completely bald 秃头 | u gor bald-headed 秃头

svgor vt 及物动 make bald 使光秃
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gyor /ɟɔr⁵³/ v completive marker (accomplish, be able) 得了(能做) | wa mvgyor can't do 做不了 | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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huai /xʷɑi⁵⁵/ v split (by chopping) 划(破) | bvngtuq huai incomplete tattoo 不完整的纹身
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huaq /xʷɑʔ⁵⁵/ 1n small section of land 块(地) | gya pe huaq uzu tvkoq gol. Let's dig this section of land first. 让我们先挖这一边吧. | 2nclf 名量 row (field) 行(地)
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jaman /ʑɑ³¹mɑn⁵⁵/ n bracelet 手镯 | (First Township) yaman /jɑ³¹mɑn⁵⁵/
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jeur /ʑɯr⁵⁵/ v indirect causative (force; cause; allow; make someone do something) 役使(让;使;叫) | nga na le vngza kei svjeur. I am making you eat the food. 我让你吃饭. | pu rong jeur. There was an owl in there (revealed by someone poking around a tree). 原来有猫头鹰在那里. | Preceding main verb must be volitional, or else morphological causative is used. In control and purposeful, the causer makes one object act on another. 前一个动词只能是自主动词. 主题役使第一个客体致使第二个客体.
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jvgye /ʑə³¹ɟɛ⁵⁵/ n 1character; letter; writing | jvgye vseum meq three characters 三个字 2book | jvgye vseum peung three books 三本书 3paper | jvgye vseum ben three sheets of paper 三张纸 | (Fourth Township) dvge /də³¹gɛ⁵⁵/
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kaq nvpom /kɑʔ⁵⁵ nə³¹pɔm⁵⁵/ n chicken crop (pouch in the gullet where food is stored) 鸡嗉子 | Literally "chicken stomach". 直译“鸡胃”.
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kaqkyer /kɑ³¹cɛr⁵⁵/ n 1chicken wing 鸡翅 2fletching (feathers for an arrow) 箭羽
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kor /kɔr⁵⁵/ 1v turn around 转弯 | gya ong korshin. Let's (the two of us) take an indirect route from here. 我俩从这里迂回吧. 2v go around (by a circuitous route) 迂回 3vclf 动量 time (一)次 (First Township. 一乡话。)
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kya /cɑ⁵³/ v 1accomplish, be able (completive) 得了(能做) | nga di mvkyang. I can't walk. 我走不动了. | lu svkya bring something over (应该)拿过来 | nga loq svkya. I have to get back. 我得回去. | dop kya very formidable 很厉害 | vcvng mvkya can't fit people 坐不下人 2happen 发生 3reach (time, age etc.) 到(时间、年龄) | nga vpei dvgeu cal ning kya. My father is ninety years old. 我的父亲到了九十岁. | vteum neu vhreui kya sa. By then it was evening. 到了晚上. 4get sick 生病 | ze kya vcvng leper 麻风病人
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kyer /cɛr⁵⁵/ 1n wing (鸟)翅膀 2n fin (fish) (鱼)直尾 3v fletch; feather (an arrow) (给箭)上(羽毛) | nga tvma kyer. I am putting feathers on the arrow. 我在给箭上羽毛.
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la- /lɑ³¹/, /lɑʔ⁵⁵/ v jussive (indirect directive) 祈使式(说话人建议或希望第三方进行或不进行某种动作) | vng la'ip. (You should) put him to sleep. 让他睡吧(我希望). | vng ewa laqmvgeuq. (I'd rather) you not let him speak that way. 别让(我不希望)他那样说. | vng laqmamvdeum wa. (Someone said) he shouldn't go back. (某人说)他别返回去了. | Often followed immediately by negative marker. laq- is used before two-syllable and already prefixed verbs. 常常加否定词在后面.laq- 用在双音节动词(包括其他语法前缀)前.
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