为 "pvseu" 的搜索结果

caq /tsɑʔ⁵⁵/ v 1sift (with a sieve) (用筛子)筛 | gyaq pvseu pvcaaq rvt. You come sift these noodles. 你来筛这面. 2strain (tea) (茶) 滤 | cha caq
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kor /kɔr⁵³/ v grind (using a grindstone) (用磨)磨 | (四乡)lata kor turn a millstone 推磨 | vng pvseu kor ra. He is grinding up noodles to fry. 他在磨炒面.
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ngom /ŋɔm⁵³/ vt 及物动 munch (e.g. on fried noodles) 吃(炒面) | pvseu pv'ngom ra. Come chomp on some fried noodles. 你来吃炒面. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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pvseu /pə³¹sɯ⁵⁵/ n 1flour (of corn or barley) 面粉 2stir-fried noodles 炒面 | Eaten directly on the hand or spoon while drinking butter tea, similar to Tibetan tsampa. 直接食用手或勺子一边吃一边喝着酥油茶,类似于西藏的糌粑.
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pvseur /pə³¹sɯr⁵⁵/ n administrative responsibility for tax collection, in former times 税务(古代)
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pvsiq pvsai /pə³¹siʔ⁵⁵ pə³¹sɑi⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be rosy; ruddy (complexion) (气色)红润 | (First Township) pvseuq pvsai /pə³¹sɯʔ⁵⁵ pə³¹sɑi⁵⁵/
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seui /sɯi⁵⁵/ v comb (hair) 梳(头发) | u pvseui rang. Help me comb a bit. 帮我梳一下头.
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seuq /sɯʔ⁵⁵/ v wipe; erase (something foul) 擦;抹(污秽物) | gyaq kani pvseuq sheu. Wipe away these bird droppings. 把这鸡屎擦掉. | nvrol seuqsheu wipe oneself 擦屁股
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tabong pvseu /tɑ³¹bɔŋ⁵⁵ pə³¹sɯ⁵⁵/ n fried corn noodles 玉米做的炒面
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