为 "ri₁" 的搜索结果

chvgri /tɕə³¹gri⁵³/ n hoof (horse, pig, goat etc.) 踢(马、猪、羊等) | waq chvgri pig's foot 猪脚
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kri /kri⁵³/ 1v ask; inquire 问;询问 | vng le pvkrisheu. You two ask him. 你俩问他. 2n question 问题
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ri /ri³¹/ prt 助词 1experiential (aspect) 过(曾经经历某种事情) | gya vng kei mvri. He has never eaten this. 这个他没吃过. 2non-visual perfective (took place at night, unseen by speaker) 夜间发生(非亲见意义) | toigyaq ngang taai ri. Last night the water (in the river) rose. 昨夜(江)水上涨了.(Compare with ip. 与 ip 相比.)
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svri /sə³¹ri⁵⁵/ v learn (a lesson) 接受(教训) | vng svnq be sheu masvri. I hit him but he still didn't learn his lesson. 我打他也不接受教训.
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