为 "rol" 的搜索结果

dol /dɔl⁵⁵/ 1v tie on; wrap (legging, puttee) 扎(绑腿) | hreidol pvdolsheu. You two tie on the puttees. 你俩把绑腿扎上. 2nclf 名量 roll (一)团 | gyoq ti dol a roll of cloth 一团布
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dvgrol /də³¹grɔl⁵³/ v speak nonsense 胡说 | tvng nadvgrol? What nonsense are you talking? 你在说什么?
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grol /grɔl⁵⁵/ v rot; corrode 腐蚀
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gvrolsheu /gə³¹rɔl⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 lie down
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hrol /xrɔl⁵⁵/ v hide (something, e.g. stolen goods) 藏(东西) | gya gyuq lok pvhrool. Hide this down below (on the side of a path). 把这个藏在下面(路边). | Negative connotation. 贬义. | (Fourth Township) hol /xɔl⁵⁵/

hrolsheu vi 不及物动 hide oneself 躲藏
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hrol /xrɔl⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1fit right 合适 2be medium-sized 中等
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hrolsheu /xrɔl⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 hide oneself (urgently or degradingly) 躲藏(紧急、下贱) | vng vra le hrolsheu e? Where did he hide himself? 他躲哪儿去了? > hrol
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jeur /ʑɯr⁵⁵/ v indirect causative (force; cause; allow; make someone do something) 役使(让;使;叫) | nga na le vngza kei svjeur. I am making you eat the food. 我让你吃饭. | pu rong jeur. There was an owl in there (revealed by someone poking around a tree). 原来有猫头鹰在那里. | Preceding main verb must be volitional, or else morphological causative is used. In control and purposeful, the causer makes one object act on another. 前一个动词只能是自主动词. 主题役使第一个客体致使第二个客体.
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krolaq /krɔ⁵⁵lɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be a shame 可惜 | krolaq kya. That's too bad. 太可惜了. 2be a waste 浪费 | dop krolaq nvdi. You made such a waste. 太可惜,你浪费了吧. | (Fourth Township) kolaq /kɔ³¹lɑʔ⁵⁵/
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kvlong /kə³¹lɔŋ⁵³/ v 1roll up | gyoqbeuq pakvlongsheu. You two roll up the blanket. 你俩把被子卷起来. | neut kvlong roll a cigarette 卷烟 2spread paste (e.g. onto fry bread) 涂敷(浆糊)
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kvrisheu /kə³¹ri⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1wander; take a stroll 转悠;游荡 | vra le nakvrisheu meu? Where are you wandering off to today? 你今天到那儿转悠了? 2take a turn 转动 3be dizzy 头晕 | meq kvrisheu > kvri
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mvdol /mə³¹dɔl⁵³/ v roll up (bedding) 卷(铺盖) | gyoqbeuq pamvdool. Roll up the quilt. 把被子卷起来.
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nvkreq /nə³¹krɛʔ⁵⁵/ n butt; rear end 屁股 | nvkreq dung anus 肛门 | (Fourth Township) nvrol /nə³¹rɔl⁵⁵/
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nvrol /nə³¹rɔl⁵⁵/ n butt; rear end 屁股 | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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pottong /pɔt⁵⁵tɔŋ⁵⁵/ n control; administrative responsibility (under the Guomindang) 控制;管理(国民党时期)
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puq /puʔ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 roll; length (of cloth) (一)幅;(一)团 | gyoq ti puq a roll of cloth 一幅布
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rol /rɔl⁵⁵/ v bump (a wound) 碰(伤口) | binma nvrol rang. I bumped my wound (and made it sore). 我的伤口被碰(疼)了.
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seuq /sɯʔ⁵⁵/ v wipe; erase (something foul) 擦;抹(污秽物) | gyaq kani pvseuq sheu. Wipe away these bird droppings. 把这鸡屎擦掉. | nvrol seuqsheu wipe oneself 擦屁股
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svtvl /sə³¹təl⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 make roll down 使滚下 > tvl
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takrol /tɑ³¹krɔl⁵⁵/ n crossbow trigger (弩)扳机
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tv'kleq /tə³¹klɛʔ⁵⁵/ v roll up (sleeves or pants) 卷(袖子、裤管) | nvmbu patv'kleqsheu. Roll up your pant legs. 卷起你的裤管.
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tvl /təl⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 roll; cause to roll down 滚;使滚下 | vcvng mi lung tal zaq. There are people rolling down stones. 有人滚下来石头了.

svtvl vt 及物动 make roll down 使滚下
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tvlong /tə³¹lɔŋ⁵³/ v roll 卷(成条) | neut gya mi natvlong'long sheu pv'ngaq sheu. Use this to roll a cigarette. 用这个卷着烟抽.
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tvrol /tə³¹rɔl⁵³/ n quiver for carrying poisonous arrows, made from bamboo and covered with a flap of skin 箭筒
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urtong /ur³¹tɔŋ⁵³/ n sleeve 袖子 | gyoq urtong patvklek. Roll up the sleeves. 把衣服袖子摞(卷)起来.
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