为 "sor" 的搜索结果

chvhrop /tɕə³¹xrɔp⁵⁵/ n palate 上颚 | neuigong chvhrop za. My palate is all sore. 嘴的上颚疼痛.
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cvte /tsə³¹tɛ⁵⁵/ n scissors 剪刀 | (Fourth Township) svte /sə³¹tɛ⁵⁵/
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dvgeui sa /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ sɑ⁵³/ n incisor (tooth) 犬齿;门牙
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jvng /ʑəŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be sore; achy (of limbs) (脚、手)酸 | vng hrei jvng. His foot is sore. 他脚酸.
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meqsor /mɛ³¹sɔr⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be tipsy 喝醉(一点) | meq tei sor very drunk 很醉
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ranung /rɑ³¹nuŋ⁵⁵/ n Chinese sorghum 高粱
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rol /rɔl⁵⁵/ v bump (a wound) 碰(伤口) | binma nvrol rang. I bumped my wound (and made it sore). 我的伤口被碰(疼)了.
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sei /səi⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be spicy | svna sei be angry 生气 2be sore (inflamed) 辣疼 | vnggeu saisheu a sore inflamed body 身体辣疼
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sor /sɔr⁵⁵/ n type of yellow wasp, active at night 一种黄色的夜间活动的野蜂
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sore /sɔ³¹rɛ⁵⁵/ n saw 锯子
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svraq /sə³¹rɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be shy 害羞 | svraqsheu mvgol don't be shy 不用害羞 | svraq mvraq sorry (I feel bad about it) 不好意思;对不起
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svtot /sə³¹tɔt⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1join; connect 连接 2bequeath; hand down 遗留 | vng svtot his successor 他的继承人 3save someone's life 救活 | saq svtot > tot
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tot /tɔt⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 cut 割;剪 2vt 及物动 chop; hew | gyaq shing pvtoot rvt. You come chop up this piece of wood. 你来把这木头砍断. 3n scissors 剪刀 4nclf 名量 section (一)节;(一)段 | shingtot wooden stick 木棍 | mvlong ti tot one section of road 一段路 | na nvshung pe tot the part that you like 你喜欢的部分 5nclf 名量 armful (一)载
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tvsha /tə³¹ɕɑ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be poor | nga tvnningwang tvtei tvshang. This year I'm very poor. 我今年很穷(困难). 2be hard (difficult) 辛苦 | tvsha mit feel sorry; feel compassion 哀怜 | na tvsha wa sheu mvgol. You don't have to trouble yourself. 你不用麻烦. | dop tvsha nvkya you have it very hard 你很辛苦了 | tvsha mvsha with great hardship 很辛苦
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vsvr /ə³¹sər⁵⁵/ v clean; sort out 整理;收拾 | vng pvgya vsvr. He's cleaning up the fishing net. 他在整理鱼网.
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za /zɑ⁵³/ 1vi 不及物动 be sick; get sick 病;生病 2vi 不及物动 be sore; ache 疼;痛 3n disease; illness 疾病

svza vt 及物动 sicken; cause pain 使生病;使疼
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