为 "ti-" 的搜索结果

le /lɛ³¹/ post 后置 1allative (to; towards) 夺格 | kyeum le vblaq teum after we went back home 回家以后 2anti-ergative (recipient, patient, benefactive) 反作格 | tvng le nadvgvng? What are you being so stubborn about? 你倔强什么? | vta jvng geuq e? What do you want to say? 你想说什么? 3purposive (in order to) 目的格(为了) | prase kei le come to raid the people 来剥削老百姓 | (Fourth Township) jvng /ʑəŋ³¹/
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shingwvt /ɕiŋ³¹wət⁵⁵/ 1n flower (on a tree) 树花 2vi 不及物动 be multi-colored 花色 | (First Township) sheungwvt /ɕɯŋ³¹wət⁵⁵/
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ti- /ti⁵⁵/ num ordinal number prefix | tisan third 第三 | Chinese loanword. Chinese numerals used. 汉语借词.使用汉语数字.
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vbrap /ə³¹brɑp⁵⁵/ v be multi-colored (colors all mixed together) (花色)混合在一起
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