为 "tom" 的搜索结果

chi'kip /tɕi³¹kip⁵⁵/ n bottom beam: part of a loom, consisting of a piece of wood in two parts, for winding the fabric, with a tension device at the ends 低轴(织布机)
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chvt /tɕət⁵⁵/ v have a stomach virus 翻肠子 | pvgyeu chvt
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da /dɑ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1inflate; expand 膨胀 2swell (stomach) (肚子)胀 | nga pa dang. My stomach is swollen. 我肚子胀.

svda vt 及物动 cause swelling 使膨胀
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deutplu /dɯt⁵⁵plu⁵⁵/ n wild rodent (medium-sized, with a white stomach) 野鼠(体型中大,肚子白色)
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dilam /di³¹lɑm⁵⁵/ n custom; propriety; standards 礼仪;规矩;习惯 | Literally "walk the path". 直译“走路”.
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hrin /xrin⁵⁵/ v touch bottom (in deep water) (深水中脚)触到水底 | gya deum tei rvnaq hreq te mvhrin. This water is very deep, feet can't touch the bottom. 这水很深,脚无法触地. |
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hroq /xrɔʔ⁵⁵/ v 1scrape out (e.g. with a spoon) (用调羹)刮 | tombu mi tasheuq hroq (use a spoon to) scrape out the crust of cooked rice (用调羹)刮锅巴 2singe (textiles, to remove loose fibers) 烧毛
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jan /ʑɑn⁵⁵/ v be bearable 忍受得了 | pa zang mi mvjan. My stomach hurts so much I can't take it. 肚子疼得受不了拉.
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jong'lv'jong /ʑɔŋ⁵⁵lə³¹ʑɔŋ⁵⁵/ adv on top and bottom 一上一下 | pvcheuq jong'le'jong lungplang do rong. The birds are sitting in rows on the flagstones. 鸟在石板上一上一下地坐着.
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kaq nvpom /kɑʔ⁵⁵ nə³¹pɔm⁵⁵/ n chicken crop (pouch in the gullet where food is stored) 鸡嗉子 | Literally "chicken stomach". 直译“鸡胃”.
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kaqchit /kɑ³¹tɕit⁵⁵/ n type of disease that affects chickens, the main symptom of which are ulcers growing on the head 一种鸡病,主要症状是在头部长疮
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keuleu /kɯ³¹lɯ⁵³/ n inveterate thief; kleptomaniac 惯偷
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kolai interj 感叹 clearly (expressing frustration with someone who seems to think otherwise) 嘛(就是这样,对别人疑问捎带不满) | (四乡)vng vsvng ni looq kolai. He'll clearly be back tomorrow. 他明天会回来的嘛. | ewa e kolai! That's clearly how it is! 肯定是这样的嘛.
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lot /lɔt⁵⁵/ n bezoar (a concretion trapped in the stomach of certain ruminants, used in Chinese medicine) 牛黄(用于中医)
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lung /luŋ³¹/ prt 助词 up; upriver (deictic) 上(趋向朝着某个中心方向由下(游)方往上(游)方进行) | vsanni pv'ngang lung sheu. (You two) head up the mountain tomorrow (I'm going today). (你俩)明天上(山)来吧(我今天先上去).
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mop /mɔp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1fall (headfirst) (头朝下)跌倒 2stomp on someone's head (with a foot on their neck) (摁住脖颈)使脸撞地
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mvnni /mən³¹ni⁵³/ n day after tomorrow 后天
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nvpom /nə³¹pɔm⁵⁵/ n stomach
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pvng /pəŋ⁵⁵/ post 后置 1under; down; bottom 下;下面;下方 | sara pvng do tvng e? What's under the table? 桌子下是什么? 2back 后;后面 | (First Township) jap /ʑɑp⁵⁵/
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Rvmeipvng /rə³¹məi⁵³pəŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Rameipang 日迈巴 | Rvmeipvng vcvng "downriver people" (impolite) 下游的人(不礼貌) | Present-day Maku, "bottom of the river". 现在的马库(江下).
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sa /sɑ³¹/ prt 助词 nominalizer 名物化 | Tvrung kvt tei wa geuq sa? How do you say it in Dulong? 独龙语怎么说? | kei sa ngaq sa food and drink 吃的喝的 | (一乡)vsan nyi vgyvng sa see you tomorrow 明天见
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shu /ɕu⁵⁵/ n 1habit 习惯 2custom 习俗 | Gya shu Han people's customs 汉族的习俗
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svbluq /sə³¹bluʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 break through (basket, article of clothing, anything with a soft bottom) 弄破(篮子、衣物等软质的底部) > bluq
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svglaq /sə³¹glɑʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 make a hole (in the bottom) 使(底)破(洞) > glaq
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svmaq /sə³¹mɑʔ⁵⁵/ n grit (at the bottom of a pot) 锅灰 | Traditionally used for face tattooing. 以前用来做文面.
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