为 "vdvm" 的搜索结果

cvwaq /tsə³¹wɑʔ⁵⁵/ n sand 沙子 | cvwaq mvdvm do vgvl play on the sand 在沙滩上玩耍 | (Fourth Township) vpi /ə³¹pi⁵⁵/
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dvm /dəm⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be full | ngang dvm di. It's full of water. 水满了. | vngza mvdvm food not filled (to the top) 饭不满 | (一乡)kei dvm laqnyvvl! May you eat your fill! 祝你能吃得饱! | rong dvm sheu mal can't seat any more (fit) 坐不下,坐不成 2increase | cheum vkat dvm make it a little hotter 加热一点 3compare 对比

svdvm vt 及物动 fill up 使满
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meq mvdvm /mɛʔ⁵⁵ mə³¹dəm⁵³/ v be satisfied 满意 | vng meq mamvdvm. He is not satisfied. 他不满意.
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mvdvm /mə³¹dəm⁵³/ 1adv above; on top 上面 | sara mvdvm on the table 桌子上 | mvdvm le ngang climb up (ladder, mountain) 爬上去 2conn than | ti ni mvdvm ti ni gvm each day is better than the last 一天比一天好 | nga na mvdvm tei. I am bigger than you. 我比你大.
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mvli mvdvm /mə³¹li⁵³ mə³¹dəm⁵³/ n the whole world; earth 世界;天下 | mvli mvdvm do kvra e svra. This world has everything in it. 在这个世界什么东西都有.
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pvdvm /pə³¹dəm⁵⁵/ v measure (whether a length is correct, or whether two lengths are equal) 量(长短是否合适,一致)
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pvlon /pə³¹lɔn⁵⁵/ n debt | pvlon vdvm owe a debt 欠(债务)
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svdvm /sə³¹dəm⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 fill up 使满 > dvm
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svdvm /sə³¹dəm⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 make float 使漂浮 > dvm
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tabong vdvm /tɑ³¹bɔŋ⁵⁵ ə³¹dəm⁵⁵/ n corncrib 玉米谷仓
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taq /tɑʔ³¹/ prt 助词 resultative (cause) 致使(让) | nga gyoq shaq taq oo lung. Someone got my clothing all wet. (某人)把我的衣服弄湿了. | vng mvdvm le ngang taq oo! Get him to come up here. 让他爬了上来. | vng ngeu taq senq. I beat him until he cried. (我)把他打哭了. | Preceding main verb must be volitional, or morphological causative is used. Often has a negative or dissatisfied connotation. 前一个动词只能是自主动词,通常表示负面的结果. | (First Township) hreq /xrɛʔ⁵⁵/
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vdvm /ə³¹dəm⁵⁵/ v owe (a debt) 欠(债) | vng nga le ngul vdvm. He owes me money. 他欠我钱.
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