Search results for "to"

gyvp /ɟəp⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 dig | v'mra gyvp dig up (a field) 挖地 2vt 及物动 lock 锁(门) | nvpching gvmche pvgyvp. Be sure to lock the door. 请锁门. 3vt 及物动 inject 注射 | mvn gyvp have an injection 打针 4n switch; trigger (e.g. for crossbow) 开关(弩机)
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hai /xɑi⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be acrid (flavor of sprouting potatoes, certain liquids, corn or taro going bad) 涩;(绿洋芋)麻嘴
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hra /xrɑ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be gluttonous; greedy | neui hra to love good food 嘴馋
svhra vt 及物动 make gluttonous 使馋
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hrang /xrɑŋ⁵³/ v 1lift | ngo le pvhraang. Lift it up. 往上举. 2raise (level) 提高 | (Fourth Township) hang /xɑŋ⁵³/
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hrap /xrɑp⁵⁵/ v 1arrive from downriver (从下游方)到达 2arrive at the top 到(上面)
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hraq /xrɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be foul-tasting (of food gone bad, experienced after swallowing) 涩;(芋头)麻嘴 | (Fourth Township) haq /xɑʔ⁵⁵/
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hrei /xrəi⁵⁵/ n foot; lower leg (from knee to toes) 脚;小腿 | (Fourth Township) hi /xi⁵⁵/
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hrei dvbvn /xrəi⁵⁵ də³¹bən⁵³/ n big toe 脚拇指
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hrei mvchung /xrəi⁵⁵ mə³¹tɕuŋ⁵³/ n tiptoe 脚尖
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hrei mvlong hram /xrəi⁵⁵ mə³¹lɔŋ⁵⁵ xrɑm⁵³/ n middle toe 中趾
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hrei svri hram /xrəi⁵⁵ sə³¹ri⁵⁵ xrɑm⁵³/ n little toe 小趾
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hreichiq /xrəi³¹tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ n ankle (joint) 脚关节;脚踝 | (First Township) hreicheuq /xrɛi³¹ɯʔ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) hichiq /xi³¹iʔ⁵⁵/
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hreihram /xrəi³¹xrɑm⁵³/ n toe 脚趾 | Literally "digit of the foot".
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hreiteun /xrəi³¹tɯn⁵⁵/ n foot of the bed 床尾 | (First Township) hreitin /xrɛi³¹tin⁵⁵/
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hreitot /xrəi³¹tɔt⁵⁵/ n 1leg amputation 断腿;断腿的人 2leg amputee 断腿的人
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hreq /xrɛʔ⁵⁵/ prt 助词 until (terminative) 才(表示终结) "vpei vmei" geuq so hreq oo chiwa. [The baby] did this until it could say "mommy, daddy". (婴儿)这样做,直到它可以说“妈妈,爸爸”. ko hreq pvgyi. Go over there (and no further). 走到哪儿(为止). First Township. 一乡话. > taq
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hreu /xrɯ⁵⁵/ v cut into one's body (uncomfortably) | tvng hreu raq e? What is this thing cutting into my body? 是什么东西硌我? | (Fourth Township) heu /xɯ⁵³/
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hreujen /xrɯ³¹ʑɛn⁵³/ n strap for basket carried on the back (usually made of woven rattan strips) 背篓绳(藤篾编的) | (Fourth Township) svjen /sə³¹ʑɛn⁵³/
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hreujen weq /xrɯ³¹ʑɛn⁵³ wɛʔ⁵⁵/ n centipede 蜈蚣 | (Fourth Township) kajan beq /kɑ³¹ʑɑn⁵⁵ bɛʔ⁵⁵/
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hreuq /xrɯʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be thin; be lean | na nvhreuq ra. You got thin. 你瘦了. | (Fourth Township) cheui /ɯi⁵⁵/
svhreuq vt 及物动 make emaciated 使瘦
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hrin /xrin⁵⁵/ v touch bottom (in deep water) (深水中脚)触到水底 | gya deum tei rvnaq hreq te mvhrin. This water is very deep, feet can't touch the bottom. 这水很深,脚无法触地. |
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hring'lv'hring /xriŋ⁵⁵lə³¹xriŋ⁵⁵/ adv with a jingling sound (of metal) 金属叮叮当当的声音 | (一乡)vngser guisheu, mvlong gi be "hring'le'hring" geuq. She's wearing metal jewelry, when she walks it makes a jingling sound. 她身带金属饰品,走路时叮叮当当地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词. | (First Township) hreung'le'hreung /xrɯŋ⁵⁵lɛ³¹xrɯŋ⁵⁵/
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hrol /xrɔl⁵⁵/ v hide (something, e.g. stolen goods) 藏(东西) | gya gyuq lok pvhrool. Hide this down below (on the side of a path). 把这个藏在下面(路边). | Negative connotation. 贬义. | (Fourth Township) hol /xɔl⁵⁵/
hrolsheu vi 不及物动 hide oneself 躲藏
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hrop /xrɔp⁵⁵/ 1v slurp; drink (porridge) 喝(粥) | tupa hrop 2nclf 名量 gulp; mouthful (of liquid) (一)口(水) | nga mi ngang ti hrop ngvk. I drank a mouthful of water. 我喝了一口水. | ti hrop pv'ngaq. Drink it down in one gulp. 干杯. | (Fourth Township) hop /xɔp⁵⁵/
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hroq /xrɔʔ⁵⁵/ v 1scrape out (e.g. with a spoon) (用调羹)刮 | tombu mi tasheuq hroq (use a spoon to) scrape out the crust of cooked rice (用调羹)刮锅巴 2singe (textiles, to remove loose fibers) 烧毛
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