为 "eu" 的搜索结果

gliq /gliʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be razed; be torn down; be knocked down 2split | tvngol gliq di. The bamboo cane is split. 竹杖断了. | (First Township) gleuq /glɯʔ⁵⁵/

svgliq vt 及物动 raze
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gol /gɔl⁵⁵/ v 1need 需要 | nga kyeum le loq sa gol. (Something serious has happened) I have to go home. 我得回家(出事了). | mvgol mit mvntvsha neu. Don't be nervous, don't grieve. 不要紧,别伤心. | mvgol you're welcome (don't bother) 不客气;没事 2let (hortative) 激励 | kei gol let's eat 吃吧 | vtvng svna sei gol what are you doing getting angry 干吗生气呢?
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gong'riq /gɔŋ³¹riʔ⁵⁵/ n backbone; spine 脊梁;脊椎骨 | (First Township) gong'reuq /gɔŋ³¹rɯʔ⁵⁵/
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gongmei /gɔŋ³¹məi⁵³/ n focus; core 重点 | gongmei vngza staple food 主食 | nga neu bri jvgye do gongmei ing. As long as only I am the main character in that piece of writing. 只有我才是文章的主角.
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gram /grɑm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 dry up; wither (of leaves) (叶子)枯 | kvn graam meu. (I understand) the plant is withering. 菜枯了.

svgram vt 及物动 cause wither 使(树木)枯死
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Gram'la /grɑm³¹lɑ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 spirit protector, with a martial aspect, invoked with swords during the dvgaqsheu ritual 守护神(武术方面,dvgaqsheu 仪式过程中用剑向他祈愿)
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grang'chv'grang /grɑŋ⁵⁵tɕə³¹grɑŋ⁵⁵/ adv bristling; standing on end (of animal hair when an animal is angry) (动物如猪由于发怒)毛发竖立 | meul grang'chv'grang wa. The hair is standing on end. 毛发竖立起来.
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greum /grɯm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 smell deliciously (of burning meat) 焦味 | sha greum ra. The meat smells good. 肉香味.
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greumgyaq /grɯm³¹ɟɑʔ⁵⁵/ v 1argue 吵架 2scold; get angry; be bad-tempered 骂;发怒;脾气暴躁 | greumgyaq wa abuse or scold someone 斥责; 骂 | vng vcvng greumgyaq e. He's a person with a bad temper. 她是个脾气暴躁的人. | (Fourth Township) geumgyaq /gɯm³¹ɟɑʔ⁵⁵ /
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greung /grɯŋ⁵⁵/ v speak; tell; say (humans only) 讲;说(人) | nga mi greung. I'll speak now. 我来说了. | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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greung /grɯŋ⁵³/ v 1cry; howl (of wolves) (狼)叫 2cry; chirp (鸟)叫
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greup /grɯp⁵⁵/ v reduce (量)缩小;减少 | (一乡)vngza chuq gyeup ri, vcvng te keu ri me vl? Is the reason there's less food that someone stole it? 粮食少了一点是不是有人偷掉了?
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groq /grɔʔ⁵⁵/ 1v pile | lung gya do grooq neu. Pile up the stones here. 这里把石头堆积起来. 2n | shinggroq wood pile 柴堆
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groqsheu /grɔʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 wedge mouth between the front legs (of a dog while sleeping) (狗睡觉时把嘴)夹(在两只前腿间)
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grvt /grət⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 bite | dvgeui mi nvgrvt rang. The dog bit me. 狗咬了我. 2nclf 名量 bite; instance of biting (一)咬

mvgrvt v grip; pinch 揪;抓
svgrvt vt 及物动 make bite 使咬
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gu /gu⁵⁵/ v surrender; capitulate 投降 | gu taqsheu
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guaqsheu /gʷɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v be wearing (clothing) 穿着(衣服) > gua
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gubeut /gu³¹bɯt⁵⁵/ v finish 完成 | ngul cvp gu mvbeut haven't finished paying a debt 还没有还完钱
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Guizungtuq /gʷi⁵⁵zuk⁵⁵tuʔ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Guizungtu (Fourth Township Village) 坤中土(四乡村名) | Guizung nyvreuq Guizung clan 坤中家族
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gul /gul⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 lay (egg) 孵出 | kati gul pvng'oo. The chick is going to lay an egg. 小鸡要孵出来了. | vng'leum gul lay an egg 鸟蛋孵出来
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gulung /gu³¹luŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 loop; circuit | vseum vbli gulung vkorsheu rotate three or four times 三四次转动 | gulung gulung circle around (looking) 一圈一圈地(寻找)
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guqsheu /guʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 doze (of a dog by the firepit) (狗)睡(在火塘边) | dvgeui mvkung tung do guqsheu. The dog is dozing in the corner by the firepit. 狗睡在火塘边.
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gvdeu /gə³¹dɯ⁵⁵/ n hedgehog 刺猬
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gvgyeum /gə³¹ɟɯm⁵⁵/ v smash (using a huge stone) (用巨石)砸
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gvlei /gə³¹ləi⁵³/ v 1alter 2change | svra gvlai change something (for something else) 换东西 | gvleisheu change clothing 换衣服 | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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