为 "i" 的搜索结果

chvhreu /tɕə³¹xrɯ⁵⁵/ n horn (of an animal) (动物)角 | It was traditionally prestigious to hang cattle horns in one's home. Hunters may also hang them as trophies. 作为猎人的战利品. | (Fourth Township) tvheu /tə³¹xɯ⁵⁵/
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chvhri /tɕə³¹xri⁵⁵/ n gall bladder | (四乡)sheui tvhi bear gall 熊胆 | (四乡)vsvr tvhi bharal bladder 岩羊胆 | Animal gall bladders are commonly used as medical remedy. The size of a slaughtered animal's gall bladder is a sign of the slaughterer's future prosperity. 经常用于药材. 屠宰动物的胆囊大小是屠夫的未来繁荣的标志. | (Fourth Township) tvhi /tə³¹xi⁵⁵/
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chvhrop /tɕə³¹xrɔp⁵⁵/ n palate 上颚 | neuigong chvhrop za. My palate is all sore. 嘴的上颚疼痛.
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chvkang pung /tɕə³¹kɑŋ⁵³ puŋ⁵⁵/ n type of spider (which spins big round webs) 一种蜘蛛(织圆形网)
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chvkeui /tɕə³¹kɯi⁵⁵/ n burial objects (used by the deceased during their lifetime, left on top of the burial site, e.g. crossbow, loom) 坟墓上挂的死者物品(如弩弓、织布机)
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chvkong /tɕə³¹kɔŋ⁵³/ n mire; bog 泥潭
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chvkor /tɕə³¹kɔr⁵⁵/ n whirlpool (formed because of some obstruction) 河流因地形的阻拦,影响形成的漩涡 | ngang chvkor | (First Township) ngangkor /ŋɑŋ³¹kɔr⁵⁵/
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chvkut /tɕə³¹kut⁵⁵/ v 1shrink 缩成 | vng vngpong kya hreq chvkutsheu. It shrunk into something round. 他缩得象个圆型. 2bend; warp 弯曲
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chvl /tɕəl⁵³/ n baby 娃娃 | chvl al be pregnant 怀孕 | (Fourth Township) chvn /tɕən⁵³/
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*chvl /tɕəl⁵³/ n 1dimunitive 子(表示小的语尾) | Kvbeungchvl descendants of the Kabeung clan 肯顶家族的子孙 2baby (human and other animals) 小(动物);崽 | pvchiqchvl baby bird 小鸟 | pvmachvl baby girl (daughter) 女儿(女孩子) | shinchvl little plant 小草 | (Fourth Township) chvn /tɕən⁵³/

nvchvl n (your) child (你/你们的)孩子
vchvl n (my/our) child (我/我们的)孩子
vngchvl n (his/her/their) child (他/她/他们的)孩子
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chvleum /tɕə³¹lɯm⁵⁵/ n wasp (small in size, with a dark purple body) 土蜂的一种(体型较小,身紫黑色)
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chvm /tɕəm⁵⁵/ v trample 踹(踢) | vng mi nvchvm rang. He trampled me. 他踹了我.
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chvma /tɕə³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n 1irrigated field 水田 2rice paddy; paddy field 稻田
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chvmmra /tɕəm³¹mrɑ⁵³/ n child; young person 小孩
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chvn /tɕən⁵³/ v follow 跟着;跟随 | nagoq nga le chvn, kvt mvta. The child is following me around, not doing what I say. 孩子跟着我,不听话.
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chvnen /tɕə³¹nɛn⁵⁵/ n type of black and yellow bird 一种鸟,黄色黑色 | nvm'leum nvm du, chvnen geuq ra. The warm season is here, the birds are calling. 春天到了,听见春鸟在叫.
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chvng /tɕəŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 section (of river) (一)节(河) | ngo pe chvng the section upriver 上面的一节(河) | Formerly, particular sections of river were reserved fishing areas for particular clans. 以前,氏族是各有各的钓鱼地方.
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chvng /tɕəŋ⁵³/ v press out liquid (e.g. when making tofu) 济水;使(水)滴下(如制豆腐时) | ngang chvng |

tvchvng vt 及物动 cause (liquid) to drip down 使滴下
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chvng'lv'chvng /tɕəŋ⁵⁵lə³¹tɕəŋ⁵⁵/ adv sound of dripping water 水滴的样子 | ngang chvng'lv'chvng vtoq. The water goes drip drop. 水“哗哗”地滴落. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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chvngbal /tɕəŋ³¹bɑl⁵³/ n lightning 闪电 | chvngbal bal lightning flashes 打闪
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chvngdung /tɕəŋ³¹duŋ⁵³/ n brick
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chvnggyan /tɕəŋ³¹ɟɑn⁵³/ n lower back; small of the back 后腰 | (Fourth Township) dvmching /dəp⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/
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chvngkeu /tɕək⁵⁵kɯ⁵⁵/ n rice wine moonshine 水酒
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chvngma /tɕəŋ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n type of plant, with sour seeds, used to make a tofu-like food 一种籽酸,可做豆腐的植物
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chvngmit /tɕəŋ³¹mit⁵⁵/ n type of fruiting bramble (edible red fruit, small seeds, small thorns) 刺果(红色,果粒小,可食) | Also used in traditional tattooing. 也用于传统文身. | (First Township) chunggit /tɕuŋ³¹git⁵⁵/
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