Search results for "to"

keui /kɯi⁵³/ v snuggle up to; hug (someone's neck, especially when they're asleep) 搂(他人的脖颈,多指睡觉时)
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keuleu /kɯ³¹lɯ⁵³/ n inveterate thief; kleptomaniac 惯偷
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Keunding /kɯn³¹diŋ⁵³/ 1top 地名 Keunding (Third Township village) 肯顶(三乡村名) 2nprop 专有名 Keunding clan 肯顶家族 | (First Township) Keundeung /kɯn³¹dɯŋ⁵³/
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kizinzin /ki³¹zin⁵³zin⁵⁵/ n flood; deluge 洪水 | kizinzin wa vlang. It was the time of the Great Flood. 是洪水的时间. | Said to derive from the sound produced by a bird spirit announcing the rising waters. By itself, kizin can designate something abnormally large, or the idea of colossal size. Also ngang kizinzin, ngang kizin, kizin ki. 据传说来自宣布洪水鸟神做的声音.单独用可以指定异常大,巨大的概念.
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klei /kləi⁵⁵/ v exchange; change; substitute 交换;换;替代 | gya mi klei ning. I'm going to exchange it for this one. 我用这个换. | (一乡)gya te klei yeung. I'm going to exchange it for this one. 我用这个换. | (Fourth Township) gvlei /gə³¹lɛi⁵³/
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kling /kliŋ⁵⁵/ v clear off (household utensils) 腾(器皿、容器) | gyaq ban pv'kling rvtsheu. (You two) clear this plate off a bit. (你俩)把这盆腾一下. | (First Township) kleung /klɯŋ⁵⁵/
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kliqson /kli³¹sɔn⁵⁵/ v have a jaw ache 腮子疼 | (First Township) kleuqson /klɯ³¹sɔn⁵⁵/
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klong /klɔŋ⁵³/ nclf 名量 long, thin, inflexible object (一)支;把;根 | neut ti klong one cigarette 一支烟 | (Fourth Township) dvm /dəm⁵⁵/
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klung /kluŋ⁵⁵/ v toss (upwards) (往上)抛 | pvkluung lung. You toss it up. 你抛上来. | pvkluung rvt. You toss it up. 你抛上来.
klungsheu vi 不及物动 leap (往上)跳
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klvn /klən⁵⁵/ v mend (sewing torn clothes) 补(衣物的破洞) | nvmbu pv'klvn wang. Help me mend the pants. 你帮我补一下裤子.
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kocha /kɔ³¹tɕɑ⁵⁵/ n country 国家 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词. | (First Township) ko'kya /kɔ³¹cɑ⁵⁵/
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Koksang /kɔk⁵⁵sɑŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Gongshan (county capital, in the Nu River valley) 贡山县城(怒江) | Cf. Tangdvm.
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kolai interj 感叹 clearly (expressing frustration with someone who seems to think otherwise) 嘛(就是这样,对别人疑问捎带不满) | (四乡)vng vsvng ni looq kolai. He'll clearly be back tomorrow. 他明天会回来的嘛. | ewa e kolai! That's clearly how it is! 肯定是这样的嘛.
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kolaq /kɔ³¹lɑʔ⁵⁵/ n 1bandit 土匪 | kolaq vblaq. The bandits are coming to pillage. 土匪强盗来了. 2raids of pillaging, especially those of the Lisu in former times 袭击;强盗 | (Fourth Township) dvbu /də³¹bu⁵⁵/
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kong /kɔŋ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 help up; cause to get up 扶起;使起来 | vng chuq pvkoong. Help him up a bit. 扶他(起来)一下.
kongsheu vi 不及物动 awaken; stand up 起(床);起来
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kong /kɔŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 peck (dry measure for grain equal to ten sheng) (一)斗
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kong /kɔŋ⁵³/ 1v dig up (food) 挖出(食物) | (一乡)ki kong sa gye. You should dig up the Chinese yams. 应该把山药挖出来. | hvbiq kong dig up potatoes 把土豆挖出来 2nclf 名量 terrace (of rice paddy) (一)块(水田) | chvma ti kong
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kongching /kɔk⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be cheap 便宜 | (First Township) kongcheung /kɔk⁵⁵tɕɯŋ⁵³/
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kor /kɔr⁵⁵/ 1v turn around 转弯 | gya ong korshin. Let's (the two of us) take an indirect route from here. 我俩从这里迂回吧. 2v go around (by a circuitous route) 迂回 3vclf 动量 time (一)次 (First Township. 一乡话。)
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kor /kɔr⁵³/ v grind (using a grindstone) (用磨)磨 | (四乡)lata kor turn a millstone 推磨 | vng pvseu kor ra. He is grinding up noodles to fry. 他在磨炒面.
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kram /krɑm⁵³/ v go together (in a group) 一起去(群体) | Possibly archaic. 可能是古代.
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kre /krɛ⁵⁵/ n type of tree, whose nuts are used to make a sour tofu 一种树(野果用来做苦味的豆腐) | (一乡)vnoq ju zusa kye pvreup beu! You go that pick that kye tree to make tofu. 你去摘下制造豆腐的野果“开”. | (Fourth Township) kye /cɛ⁵⁵/
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kreshi /krɛ³¹ɕi⁵⁵/ n type of wild nut, black after ripening, has a sour taste, can be made into tofu 一种成熟后黑色的野果,味酸,可以制豆腐
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kri /kri⁵⁵/ n 1tax 2tribute, especially that given in former times to Tibetan and other authorities 贡物(尤其以前给藏族和其他统治者)
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krolaq /krɔ⁵⁵lɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be a shame 可惜 | krolaq kya. That's too bad. 太可惜了. 2be a waste 浪费 | dop krolaq nvdi. You made such a waste. 太可惜,你浪费了吧. | (Fourth Township) kolaq /kɔ³¹lɑʔ⁵⁵/
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