Search results for "chvn"

laiq /lɑiʔ⁵⁵/ v flash (of lightning) 闪(电) | lakur laiq a big bolt of lightning 大闪 | chvngbal laiq lightning flashes 闪电
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lungpon /luk⁵⁵pɔn⁵⁵/ n boulder; large rock 大岩石 | wangchvng lungpon large boulder on the side of the river 江边的大岩石
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nvchvl /nə³¹tɕəl⁵³/ n (your) child (你/你们的)孩子 > *chvl | (Fourth Township) nvchvn /nə³¹tɕən⁵³/
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sheul /ɕɯl⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1carry; bring 领;带 | nagoq wangchvng le mvnsheul neu. Don't bring the baby down to the riverside. 别把孩子带到江边. 2invite 邀请 | (First Township) shul /ɕul⁵³/ | (Fourth Township) sheun /ɕɯn⁵⁵/
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tvchvng /tə³¹tɕəŋ⁵³/ vt 及物动 cause (liquid) to drip down 使滴下 > chvng
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uzu /u³¹zu⁵⁵/ adv 1first; before; in front 前;先 | na uzu pvdi. You go first. 你先走. (Fourth Township) mv³¹chvn⁵³ 2a long time ago 很九以前 | pv'nga ning uzu five years ago 五年前 | uzu rap previous generation 上一代 (Fourth Township) ui⁵³
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vchvl /ə³¹tɕəl⁵³/ n (my/our) child, especially son (我/我们的)子女;(我/我们的)孩子 | vchvl mei my daughter 我女儿 > *chvl | (Fourth Township) vchvn /ə³¹tɕən⁵³/
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vchvng /ə³¹tɕəŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1fit (can be loaded inside a container) 装得下 | gya ma'vchvng. It can't hold this. 这个装不下了. 2can be accommodated 容纳得下
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vngchvl /ək⁵⁵tɕəl⁵³/ n (his/her/their) child (especially son) (他/她/他们的)孩子 > *chvl | (Fourth Township) vngchvn /vk⁵⁵tɕən⁵³/
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wangchvng /wɑk⁵⁵tɕəŋ⁵⁵/ n riverside 江边 | (Fourth Township) ngangchvng /ŋɑk⁵⁵tɕəŋ⁵⁵/
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