Search results for "kyeu"

kyeumgyoqra /cɯm³¹ɟɔʔ⁵⁵rɑ⁵⁵/ n young, usually unmarried girl 姑娘;年轻女子
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kyeumkol /cɯm³¹kɔl⁵⁵/ n base; foundation (of a building) 地基
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kyeumma /cɯm³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n longhouse, consisting of two parallel rows of hearth areas, used by nuclear families 一种长屋(家人公共住所) | Archaic. Literally "mother house". 古代.直译“妈家”.
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kyeumpa /cɯp⁵⁵pɑ⁵⁵/ n longhouse, consisting of a row of hearth areas apportioned according to married couples 一种长屋(家人公共住所) | Archaic. Literally "father house". 古代.直译“爸家”.
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kyeumpeut /cɯp⁵⁵pɯt⁵⁵/ n garden plot (surrounding the house) (房屋周围的)园地
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kyeumpru /cɯp⁵⁵pru⁵⁵/ n house dance 家舞
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kyeumput /cɯp⁵⁵put⁵⁵/ n geomancy (siting of a house according to principles of geomancy) 风水
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kyeumsep /cɯp⁵⁵sɛp⁵⁵/ adv area near the house 房子附近
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kyeup /cɯp⁵⁵/ v hibernate (动物)冬眠 | gya do beu kyeup. Here there's a snake hibernating. 这里有蛇冬眠.
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la rong kyeum /lɑ³¹rɔŋ⁵³ cɯm⁵³/ n Buddhist temple 寺庙(佛教) Literally "house where god lives". 直译“神住的家”. > lakyeum
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lakyeum /lɑ³¹cɯm⁵³/ n Buddhist temple 寺庙(佛教) | Literally "house of god". 直译“神家”. | (Fourth Township) laceum /lɑ⁵⁵cɯm⁵³/
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le /lɛ³¹/ post 后置 1allative (to; towards) 夺格 | kyeum le vblaq teum after we went back home 回家以后 2anti-ergative (recipient, patient, benefactive) 反作格 | tvng le nadvgvng? What are you being so stubborn about? 你倔强什么? | vta jvng geuq e? What do you want to say? 你想说什么? 3purposive (in order to) 目的格(为了) | prase kei le come to raid the people 来剥削老百姓 | (Fourth Township) jvng /ʑəŋ³¹/
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lung /luŋ⁵⁵/ 1n rock; stone 石头 | vseum lung lung three stones 三个石头 2n circle 3nclf 名量 round object (stone, bowl, grain of rice) (一)颗;粒;碗;石头 | sa ti lung one tooth 一颗牙齿 | tabong vng'lung corn kernel 玉米粒 4nclf 名量 three-dimensional object (一)立体物 | kyeum ti lung one house 一座房子 | ulung entire head 头(全部)
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lvban kyeum /lə³¹bɑn⁵⁵ cɯm⁵³/ n church 教堂
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lvkyiq /lə³¹ciʔ⁵⁵/ n poison arrow (without iron arrowhead) 没有铁镞箭头的毒箭 | Aconite plant is commonly used. 经常用乌头. | (First Township) lvkyeuq /lə³¹cɯʔ⁵⁵/
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medineu /mɛ⁵⁵di⁵⁵nɯ³¹/ conn if not; otherwise 否则 | nagoq za di neu, krakraq mvnkyeum le pvsheul, medineu za mvgvm. If the baby gets sick, bring it to a hospital quick or else the illness may not get better. 婴儿病的话,赶快送医院,否则病是不会好的.
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mitsheu /mit⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1think of 思想 | mitsheu mvmitsheu without hesitation 不假思索 2miss 思念 | kyeum le dop vmitsheu really miss home 很想家 > mit | (First Township) nitsheu /nit⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/
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mvnkyeum /mək⁵⁵cɯm⁵³/ n hospital 医院
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paboq /pɑ³¹bɔʔ⁵⁵/ n dust 灰尘 | kyeum do paboq beum beum vl. There's a lot of dust in the house. 家里灰尘很多.
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pru /pru⁵⁵/ n circular, chanted dance, usually around a fire 一种载歌载舞的舞蹈 | kyeumpru house dance 家舞
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reut /rɯt⁵⁵/ v take apart (a house) 拆(房子) | vngning kyeum reut ra. They're taking apart the house. 他们在拆房子.
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sheum /ɕɯm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 sweep | kyeum pvsheumsheu. (You two) sweep the house. (你俩)扫屋子.
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shing'lang /ɕiŋ³¹lɑŋ⁵⁵/ n 1tree trunk 树干 2log 木材 | shing'lang kor kyeum log cabin, wooden beam house 木楞房;木头房 | (First Township) sheung'lang /ɕɯŋ⁵⁵lɑŋ⁵⁵/
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shing'lang kyeum /ɕiŋ³¹lɑŋ⁵⁵ cɯm⁵³/ n log cabin 木头房子 | (First Township) sheung'lang kyeum /ɕɯŋ⁵⁵lɑŋ⁵⁵ cɯm⁵³/
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sung /suŋ⁵⁵/ v protect; guard 守护 | nga dvgeui kyeum sung sa sung e. My dog is trained to guard the house. 我的狗是养来看家的. | Also used in personal names. 也用于人名.
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