Search results for "tar"

jorjit /ʑɔr³¹ʑit⁵⁵/ n sunbird (Nectariniidae) 太阳鸟
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kaphyeur /kɑp⁵⁵xʲɯr⁵³/ n meteor; shooting star 流星;扫把星 | (一乡)kapsheur zer gi. A shooting star went by. 流星飞过去了. | (First Township) kapsheur /kɑp⁵⁵ɕɯr⁵³/
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krvt /krət⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be tart flavor (of unripe fruit) | gyaq seum krvt ra. This peach is tart. 这桃子涩. 2be sharp-edged (not smoothed down) 不光滑 | uneuq krvt smart 聪明
tvkrvt vi 不及物动 tart
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kura /ku³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ n vegetable plot surrounding a house (may also contain corn, taro etc.) 房屋四周的园地(也能有玉米,芋头,等等) | (Fourth Township) kuru /ku³¹ru⁵³/
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langga /lɑŋ³¹gɑ⁵⁵/ n target 靶子 | Can be any kind of improvised target: a potato, a piece of wood etc. 可以是任何一种临时的目标:土豆、一块木材等.
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Langwangdong /lɑŋ³¹wɑŋ⁵³dɔŋ⁵³/ top 地名 1Langwangdong (Fourth Township Village) 郎王夺(四乡村名) 2Langwangdong river (Trung river tributary) 郎王夺河(独龙江支流)
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lei /ləi⁵⁵/ v 1load (weapon) 上(膛) 2start; turn on (machine) 开(机关) 3draw (bow) 张(弩) | tana pvlai. Draw your bow. 你张弩.
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lembu /lɛm³¹bu⁵⁵/ n deputy; lackey 代理人;走狗 | Possible Tibetan loanword. Hereditary title, designating tax-collecting representives of pre-20th century Chawalong (Tibetan) rulers. 可能是藏语借词,指以前从察瓦龙来收税的代表.
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loq /lɔʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 stare
svloq vt 及物动 stare
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Lungsaiwang /luk⁵⁵sɑi⁵⁵wɑŋ⁵³/ top 地名 Lungsai river (tributary of the Dulong river) 河流名(独龙江支流) | Tributary of the Dulong river. 独龙江支流.
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mvjing /mə³¹ʑiŋ⁵⁵/ n constellation with eight stars 一种星座 | (First Township) mvjeung /mə³¹ʑɯŋ⁵⁵/
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mvng /məŋ⁵⁵/ n plant with starchy tubers (kind of kudzu root) 块根植物,葛根类 | Famine food. 饥荒食物.
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Mvngblilong /məŋ³¹bli⁵³lɔŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Mangbli river and river valley 麻必河谷;麻必河 | Upper tributary of the Dulong river. 独龙江上游支流之一.
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nvmden /nəm³¹dɛn⁵⁵/ n altar (long shelf inside the house used during rituals, where the shaman's auxiliary spirits reside and are presented with offerings) 坛(家里面,仪式当中供奉神灵的)
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nyen /ɲɛn⁵⁵/ n type of insect that eats taro 虫(害虫、食芋头)
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pa /pɑ⁵⁵/ n belly (from nipple to the waist) 肚子 | nga pa raai shi. I'm hungry. 我饿了. | nga pa raai gri. I'm starving. 我饿死了. | (Fourth Township) pvwa /pə³¹wɑ⁵⁵/
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pattoq /pɑt⁵⁵tɔʔ⁵⁵/ n 1illegitimate child 私生子 2hybrid; mongrel 杂种 | First Township. 一乡话.
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pvka /pə³¹kɑ⁵⁵/ n bitter buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn) 荞麦
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pvng /pəŋ⁵³/ v start; begin; initiate (开始)做;干 | vng gyoq pvng ra. She is starting to weave. 她开始做(织)布了. | (四乡)nvm za pa. It's about to rain. 快要下雨. | (Fourth Township) pa /pɑ⁵³/
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pvsa /pə³¹sɑ⁵⁵/ 1n marker; sign (for later recognition) (用于以后辨认的)标记 | pvsa chuq wang ning. I'm putting a little marker (where I'm burying something). 我(在埋东西的地方)做一点标记吧. 2v mark up 标记 3vi 不及物动 be clear (事态)明朗;清楚 | | ngvplaq teui kei mvkei me sheu mapvsa. Whether the fish will start biting in a little while or not still isn't clear. 鱼要不要吃还不清楚.
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rvli /rə³¹li⁵⁵/ n fish that always live in a particular river tributary 在江河的支流上固定居住的鱼
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sankoq /sɑn³¹kɔʔ⁵⁵/ n type of taro (large) 一种芋头(大的)
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Shvm langga /ɕəm⁵³ lɑŋ³¹gɑ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 Iron Target (mentioned in the creation story of Kvwakarpu) 传说中的铁靶子
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shvmpvng /ɕəp⁵⁵pəŋ⁵³/ n wooden mortar 木臼 | lung shvmpvng stone mortar 石臼
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sv'ngong /sə³¹ŋɔŋ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 starve (someone) to death 使饿死 > v'ngong
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