Search results for "ten"

gyangten /ɟɑk⁵⁵tɛn⁵⁵/ n chant and dance for conserving prosperity, performed during funerals 福舞(丧礼时) | Literally "holding the prosperity". 直译“拿福”.
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gyoqnam /ɟɔ³¹nɑm⁵⁵/ n belt 领带;束腰带 | (一乡)gyoqnam te pa'vhrvk. Fasten up that belt. 束腰带来系好.
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ju /ʑu⁵⁵/ v 1extend; stretch | ur jusheu extend a hand 伸手 2pass | ko pvjuu rvt. Pass that over. 把那个伸过来.
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kei /kəi⁵³/ 1vt 及物动 eat | nga mvkei. I'm not eating. 我不吃. 2vt 及物动 bite | nvkei rang. I was bitten (by a dog). 我被(狗)咬了. 3v exploit; invade; raid 剥削;侵略
svkei vt 及物动 feed; make eat; invite over to eat 喂;使吃;请吃饭
svkeisheu vi 不及物动 make a living 生活
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klep /klɛp⁵⁵/ 1v level; flatten 铲平 | vngning dvm klep. They're leveling the ground. 他们在铲平地. 2nclf 名量 strip; pelt (of an animal) (一)长条;长条
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kling /kliŋ⁵⁵/ v clear off (household utensils) 腾(器皿、容器) | gyaq ban pv'kling rvtsheu. (You two) clear this plate off a bit. (你俩)把这盆腾一下. | (First Township) kleung /klɯŋ⁵⁵/
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kong /kɔŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 peck (dry measure for grain equal to ten sheng) (一)斗
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kongsheu /kɔk⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1wake up 起(床) | vng tvntaq mvkoksheu. He still hasn't gotten out of bed. 他还没起床. 2stand up 起来 > kong
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kongteng /kɔk⁵⁵tɛŋ⁵⁵/ n 1foot-powered wooden pestle 脚踏的木杵 2seesaw 翘翘板 | kokteng do vgvl play on the seesaw 玩翘翘板
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kun /kun⁵⁵/ v 1be able to endure (能)忍受 2tend to; not turn one's back (on the old or chronically ill) 不嫌弃(年老或长时间卧病在床的人)
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kvm /kəm⁵⁵/ adv even; no matter (emphatic) 怎么也(强调) | vng kvm tei wa geung mvta. He doesn't listen no matter what I say. 我怎么说他也不听.
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kvp /kəp⁵⁵/ v 1cover (the tops of household utensils, or other things that have a cover) 盖住(器皿口) | dong pvkap. Cover the bamboo tube. 把筒盖上. 2fill up (hole) 塞满(口)
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kvran /kə³¹rɑn⁵⁵/ v scribble messily (of characters written carelessly) 乱涂(字写得潦草) | gya do tvng nakvransheu? What are you two scribbling? 你俩在这儿涂的事什么?
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kvrwa /kər³¹wɑ⁵⁵/ n pancake usually made from sweet buckwheat, often less chunky than pvleq 粑粑(甜荞麦)
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kvt /kət⁵⁵/ vclf 动量 time; trip (occasion) (一)次;回;趟 | shing vni kvt ri make two trips carrying firewood 背两次柴 | ti kvtkvt chuq ngaq sometimes drink 有时候喝 | vngkvtkvt often (many times) 许多次
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la- /lɑ³¹/, /lɑʔ⁵⁵/ v jussive (indirect directive) 祈使式(说话人建议或希望第三方进行或不进行某种动作) | vng la'ip. (You should) put him to sleep. 让他睡吧(我希望). | vng ewa laqmvgeuq. (I'd rather) you not let him speak that way. 别让(我不希望)他那样说. | vng laqmamvdeum wa. (Someone said) he shouldn't go back. (某人说)他别返回去了. | Often followed immediately by negative marker. laq- is used before two-syllable and already prefixed verbs. 常常加否定词在后面.laq- 用在双音节动词(包括其他语法前缀)前.
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Labeun /lɑ³¹bɯn⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 dog name (often for dogs with long hair) 狗的名字(通常是体毛较长的狗)
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lungciq /luk⁵⁵tsiʔ⁵⁵/ n 1cairn; rock pile (made with human intention) 石堆(人做的) 2stone foundation 石垒 | Often used to demarcate land or keep animals out of an area. 经常用于划分土地或阻止养动. | (First Township) lungceuq /luk⁵⁵tsɯʔ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) lungsiq /luk⁵⁵siʔ⁵⁵/
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lvbuq /lə³¹buʔ⁵⁵/ n turnip 萝卜 | Chinese loanword. Now often superseded by unmodified Chinese original. 汉语借词.目前有人直接说“萝卜”.
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mageu /mɑ³¹gɯ⁵⁵/ adv usually; often 平常 | kang mageu do ma'vgyvngsheu. Big cats are usually hard to see. 老虎平常很难见到.
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meu /mɯ⁵⁵/ 1n money | vtvng meu e? How much money is it? 多少钱? 2nclf 名量 yuan; unit of money (一)元;块 | ngul ti meu one unit of money 一元钱 3num ten thousand (10,000) | ti meu ten thousand 一万
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meun /mɯn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be rotten (木)朽 | tvrung meun pvngwa. The pillar is rotting through. 柱子要腐烂了.
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mit /mit⁵⁵/ v think; remember; intend 想;怀念;心眼 | nga vpei le mit. I miss my father. 我思念我的父亲. | mit mvgvp vcvng an ill-intentioned person 心眼坏的人 | vngmit feeling 感觉(名) | (First Township) nit /nit⁵⁵/
mitsheu vi 不及物动 think of; miss 思想;思念
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mvdi /mə³¹di⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be incapable (of doing) 无法做的;不方便 | vng wa mvdi ra. He's doing it incompetently. 他做不熟练. | wa sa mvdi unskilled 不熟练 > di | (Fourth Township) mvyoq /mə³¹jɔl⁵³/
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mvjvl /mə³¹ʑəl⁵³/ n 1uterus; womb 子宫 2female (often used with ethnic or clan groups) (某民族、家族)女子
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