Search results for "to"

blem /blɛm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 overflow; spill | ngang blem pvngwa. The water is going to overflow. 水要溢出来了.
svblem vt 及物动 cause to overflow 使溢出
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blvng /bləŋ⁵³/ nclf 名量 instrument (object with handle) (一)把 | shvm ti blvng one knife 一把刀
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bongjili /bɔŋ⁵⁵ʑi⁵³li⁵³/ n measles 麻疹 | (First Township) brongjili /brɔŋ⁵⁵ʑi⁵³li⁵³/
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boq /bɔʔ⁵⁵/ v 1explode; blast to pieces 爆炸;爆裂 | tvng boq di e? What's that explosion? 是什么爆炸了? | lung dvboq blast rock to pieces 炸石头 2go pop; make the sound of popping | kam vboq popping sound of bamboo 竹啪 3sprout; bud 出芽;发芽 | vmra do shin beumbeum boq. On the ground there are lots of plants sprouting. 地里长出了许多草. | vnoq boq beans are sprouting 豆子发芽 | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
dvboq v explode
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boq /bɔʔ⁵⁵/ adv near at hand 附近;旁边(挨近身体处) | kyeum boq do seum beumbeum kat. There are lot of peach trees planted near the house. 房子旁边种了很多桃树. | boq kei | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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bot /bɔt⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 expand (in volume); inflate (体积)增大;膨胀 | gyaq ngang shaaq mvnvng bot tvcha e. After soaking in water, this thing is going to expand. 这个被水湿了以后会膨胀.
svbot vt 及物动 cause to expand; increase; exaggerate 使膨胀;增多;夸大
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Bowar /bɔ³¹wɑr⁵⁵/ top 地名 Bowar (First Township village) 部旺(一乡村名)
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brakyi /brɑ³¹ci⁵⁵/ n chili pepper 辣椒 | (Fourth Township) ba'kri /bɑ⁵³kri⁵⁵/
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brasi /brɑ³¹si⁵³/ n very small mosquito 一种很细小的蚊子 | Archaic. 古代.
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brem /brɛm⁵³/ v toast (in the flames) (在火焰上)烤 | mvdeum chuq pvbreem. Let the torch burn (in the flames) a bit. 把火把烤一下. | (Fourth Township) prem /prɛm⁵³/
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breng /brɛŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1tear; be torn (of clothing, thread) (衣服、布条)破裂 | gyoq breng di. The clothing is torn. 衣服破了. 2break (of bottles etc.) 打破 | (Fourth Township) breq /brɛʔ⁵⁵/
svbreng vt 及物动 tear 弄破
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bring /briŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 long, thin object (一)条(绳子) | i ti bring one hemp thread 一条麻 | (First Township) breung /brɯŋ⁵⁵/
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brvt /brət⁵⁵/ v scratch (with a claw) (用爪子快速)抓 | chuq nvbrat rang. It scratched me a bit. 抓了我一下. | (Fourth Township) huai /xuɑi⁵³/
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brvt /brət⁵⁵/ v die out 灭绝 | nga kaq brvt pvngwa. My chickens are going to die out. 我的鸡要灭绝了.
dvbrvt v annihilate 消灭
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bung /buŋ⁵⁵/ v cease (of rain) (雨)停 | nvm bung di. It stopped raining. 雨停了.
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buq /buʔ⁵⁵/ v bubble up (of spring water) (水)冒出 | wang buq | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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bvlei /bə³¹ləi⁵⁵/ n type of plant, used as pig feed and human food 一种植物,猪食,人也可以吃 | (一乡)bvlei vcvng sheu kei nyi, waq le sheu zi nyi. bv³¹lvi⁵⁵ is edible for humans and can be fed to pigs. 这种植物可以人食,也可以喂猪.
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bvling /bə³¹liŋ⁵⁵/ n 1insect (general) 虫(总称) 2worm | (First Township) bvleung /bə³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵/
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bvn /bən⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1empty (of household utensils) (器皿)空 | ban mabvn? Is the plate empty? 盆子是空的吗? 2have free time 有空 | tvnni vtei ewa gya le di nvban e? How do you have free time to go out today? 今天怎么有空出来呀?
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bvna /bə³¹nɑ⁵³/ post 后置 comitative (with) 随伴格(和、与) | ing bvna tikat together with us 和我们一起 | nga bvna nvdi. Come with me. 你根我去. | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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bvna /bə³¹nɑ⁵⁵/ n livestock; domesticated animals 牲畜 | bvna su raise animals 养牲畜 | Cf. bvna sha, pangdong sha.
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bvnghreu /bəŋ³¹xrɯ⁵⁵/ n 1briar; bramble (e.g. blackberry vine) 荆棘;黑刺梅 2thorn | Much used in traditional medicine and tattooing. 用于传统医学、文面.
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bvngkang /bək⁵⁵kɑŋ⁵³/ n type of caterpillar (white body, red head, lives undeground, likes to eat potatoes) 一种虫子(白色,红头,住在地下,喜欢吃土豆)
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bvngmi /bəŋ³¹mi⁵⁵/ n type of tiny mosquito 一种很细小的蚊子;飞蛾
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Bvngnvm /bəŋ³¹nəm⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 ninth-born male 老九(男) | (Fourth Township) Bvnvm /³¹nəm⁵⁵/
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