为 "Chin" 的搜索结果

gyvp /ɟəp⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 dig | v'mra gyvp dig up (a field) 挖地 2vt 及物动 lock 锁(门) | nvpching gvmche pvgyvp. Be sure to lock the door. 请锁门. 3vt 及物动 inject 注射 | mvn gyvp have an injection 打针 4n switch; trigger (e.g. for crossbow) 开关(弩机)
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hoce /xɔ³¹tsɛ⁵³/ n firewood 火柴 | Chinese loanword. 中文借词.
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huahui /xʷɑ³¹xʷi⁵³/ n fertilizer 化肥 | tabong le huahui tap. Put some fertilizer on the corn. 包谷上施化肥. | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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ja /ʑɑ⁵⁵/ 1v measure (size) 量(尺寸) | v'mra ja. Measure the land. 量田地. 2n measurement 尺寸 3n ruler (measurement tool) 尺寸
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jvn /ʑən⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be elastic; be capable of stretching 有(伸弹性) | gya jvn ra tvcha e. This thing can really be stretched. 这是有伸弹性的东西.

svjvn vt 及物动 stretch out 使伸长
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Kachinlong /kɑ³¹tɕin⁵⁵lɔŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Kachinlong 卡级洛
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kaq /kɑʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1untie; undo 解开 | lvgru chin pvkaqsheu. Untie your shoes. 把你的鞋带解开. | vlaq kaq undo the rope bridge 揭开流索 2take off; remove (e.g. clothing) 脱(衣服)
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kaqkyer /kɑ³¹cɛr⁵⁵/ n 1chicken wing 鸡翅 2fletching (feathers for an arrow) 箭羽
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kocha /kɔ³¹tɕɑ⁵⁵/ n country 国家 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词. | (First Township) ko'kya /kɔ³¹cɑ⁵⁵/
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kong /kɔŋ⁵³/ 1v dig up (food) 挖出(食物) | (一乡)ki kong sa gye. You should dig up the Chinese yams. 应该把山药挖出来. | hvbiq kong dig up potatoes 把土豆挖出来 2nclf 名量 terrace (of rice paddy) (一)块(水田) | chvma ti kong
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kongching /kɔk⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be cheap 便宜 | (First Township) kongcheung /kɔk⁵⁵tɕɯŋ⁵³/
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kulu /ku³¹lu⁵⁵/ n wheel 轮;轱辘 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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kvt /kət⁵⁵/ n 1word | kvt ta be obedient 听话 2language 话;语言 | Gyakvt Chinese language 汉语 | (First Township) ka /kɑ⁵⁵/
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kvtvng /kə³¹təŋ⁵⁵/ v 1fix; repair (e.g. machines) 修理(机器) 2tidy; put in order 整理
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kyi /ci⁵⁵/ n type of wild Chinese yam (likely Dioscorea opposita) 野山药(长条) | (First Township) ki /ki⁵³/
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lacu /lɑ³¹tsu⁵³/ n candle 蜡烛 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词
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lei /ləi⁵⁵/ v 1load (weapon) 上(膛) 2start; turn on (machine) 开(机关) 3draw (bow) 张(弩) | tana pvlai. Draw your bow. 你张弩.
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li /li⁵³/ nclf 名量 li (Chinese measure of distance equal to one-third of a mile) (一)里 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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loco /lɔ³¹tsɔ⁵⁵/ n stove | Chinese or Lisu borrowing. Modern appliance not usually found in Dulong homes. 汉语或傈僳语借词.
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long /lɔŋ⁵⁵/ n belong to particular sign of the Chinese zodiac 属(生肖) | kaq long be born in the year of the chicken 属鸡
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loseu /lɔ³¹sɯ⁵⁵/ n teacher 老师 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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loseu /lɔ³¹sɯ⁵⁵/ n screw 螺丝 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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lot /lɔt⁵⁵/ n bezoar (a concretion trapped in the stomach of certain ruminants, used in Chinese medicine) 牛黄(用于中医)
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lu /lu⁵⁵/ n age 年龄 | lu tei old 年纪大 | lu ching young 年纪小
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lvban /lə³¹bɑn⁵⁵/ v week 礼拜 | lvban wa do weekly prayers 做礼拜(念经) | Chinese loanword, used mainly by Christians. 中文借词(基督教).
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