Search results for "tar"

svgrai /sə³¹grɑi⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1freeze 使冻 2starve to death 饿死 > grai
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svloq /sə³¹lɔʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 stare | meq svloq 瞪眼 > loq
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svneu /sə³¹nɯ⁵⁵/ v aim (weapon at a target) 瞄准 | nvnggvm pasvneeu. Aim well. 瞄准好!
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svteumsheu /sə³¹tɯp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 tarry; delay (oneself) 使(自己)受耽搁 > svteum
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tar /tɑr⁵⁵/ v go past; go across (where an obstacle is) 过得了(障碍) | vngning gya do mvtar sa e. They probably cannot pass here (e.g. because the river carried off a bridge). 他们在这里可能过不去(因为河水把桥冲走了).
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tara /tɑ³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ adv same 一样 | tara e
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tarcha /tɑr³¹tɕɑ⁵⁵/ n 1Trung loom 织布机(独龙族的) | gya neu vmei tarcha e. This is mother's loom. 这是妈妈的织布机. 2loom warp beam (a bamboo spindle on which the warp is mounted) 经轴;织轴(织布机) | Typically a portable backstrap loom with several wooden rods, tied between the weaver and any secure point. 用背垫条可携带的一个小织布机.
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tarcoq /tɑr³¹tsɔʔ⁵⁵/ n ritual banner planted in front of the house during funerals 幡(丧礼)
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Tottvng /tɔt⁵⁵təŋ⁵³/ nprop 专有名 Venus; morning star 金星
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tvkrvt /tə³¹krət⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be tart flavor (of unripe fruit) 2be sharp-edged (not smoothed down) 不光滑 > krvt
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Tvrvngdvm /tə³¹rəŋ⁵³dəm⁵⁵/ 1top 地名 Tarangdam 迪郎当 2nprop 专有名 Tarangdam clan 迪郎当家族
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v'ngong /ə³¹ŋɔŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 starve; die (of hunger) (饿)死 | pvraai v'ngong starve to death 饿死.
sv'ngong vt 及物动 starve someone to death 使饿死
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vda /ə³¹dɑ⁵³/ interj 感叹 come on (let's start) 来(开始吧)
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vdaq /ə³¹dɑʔ⁵⁵/ v start 开始
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vjin /ə³¹ʑin⁵³/ n type of plant, with a starchy edible tuber 一种块茎可食用的植物
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vkraq /ə³¹krɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be surprised 吃惊;使吃惊 2be frightened 吓;吓一跳 | vng vkraq di. He started (with fright). 他吓了一跳. | aang na'vkrvk. He frightened me. 他吓了我. > kraq
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vkuq /ə³¹kuq⁵⁵/ v levy or impose a tax (on every household) (从各家各户)征集;征收 | ngul vkuq levy a monetary fine 征收钱
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vpvt /ə³¹pət⁵⁵/ v 1start up (of a machine) (机关)发动;被触动 | minda vpvt di. The gun went off. 枪响了. 2loosen | igyeuq vpvt the rope loosens 绳子松了
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vtar /ə³¹tɑr⁵⁵/ n bamboo wattle (for walls of a house) 竹蔑笆 | vtar kyeum bamboo wattle house 竹蔑房
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vtu /ə³¹tu⁵³/ 1vi 不及物动 be accurate (of crossbows, guns etc.) (弩、枪)准 | gyaq tana ma'vtu. This crossbow is not accurate. 这弩不准. 2v strike; hit (target) 打中;击中 | mana'vtusheu? Did you two hit the target? (你俩)打中了吗?
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zai /zɑi⁵³/ n pearl millet (possibly Setaria italica var. germanica) 小米;御谷
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zeun /zɯn⁵⁵/ v 1catch; hold onto 抓住 | dvlu che zeun. I almost caught him. 我差一点抓住(它)了. 2touch; reach 触到 3hit (target) 射中;击中
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