Search results for "ten"

mvsoq /mə³¹sɔʔ⁵⁵/ n ritual intended to ensure the longevity of females 保命延寿仪式(女) | Cf. solachot.
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nem /nɛm⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be tame, calm, or docile (often said of small animals being appeased) (通常指小动物在安抚下)驯服;不怕人 | pvshin nem
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neu /nɯ³¹/ prt 助词 optative mood (expressing the speaker's desire) 吧(愿望态) | na mvndi neu. Don't you go. 你别去. | do, looq neu. Let's go. 走,咱们回去吧. | Used with first-person plural or second person, in sentence-final position. 在句尾,用于第二人称(说话人).
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ngam /ŋɑm⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1stick out (especially from a hole or window) (从洞口、窗户)伸;伸出 | gya oong pv'ngaam rvt. Stick it out from here. 从这里伸过来. | ur ngam stick out a hand 伸出手 2crane one's neck; extend one's head 探头
ngamsheu vi 不及物动 extend oneself 探头
sv'ngam vt 及物动 extend out 使(从洞里)伸出
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ngamsheu /ŋɑp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 extend one's body 探头 | vng langmeq oong ngamsheu ra. He's poking out the window. 他从窗户探出头来. | mvneuneu mv'ngamsheu ra. You haven't been here for a while! 你好久没有来. > ngam
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ngvten /ŋə³¹tɛn⁵⁵/ n fish dam (diverting water in order to catch fish easily) 鱼坝
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ning /niŋ³¹/ prt 助词 optative (marking requests, desires, intentions) 吧(愿望态) | ngei geuq ning. I am telling you (him, her). 我说给你(他/她). | nga lang rang ning. I'll look for you. 我会找你. | (四乡)peut vsvng sheu saqdeu taq greung gol, ta vsvng sheu ding ning mitsheu. The person talking should make it so vivid that the person listening will think about going. 要尽量说得生动一些,使听的人想去. | Used by first-person speaker, in sentence-final position = neu +-ng. 在句尾,用于第一人称(说话人)= neu +-ng. | (First Township) yeung /jɯŋ³¹/
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nvgoq /nə³¹gɔʔ⁵⁵/ n 1lower back (between the buttocks and the waist) 后腰和臀部之间的部位 2tenderloin (牛、猪)腰肉 (Cut of meat from along the backbone near the tail, traditionally reserved for elders during the butchering. 传统来说在屠宰过程中专门保留给老人家.)
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nvmeichvl /nə³¹məi⁵⁵tɕəl⁵³/ n kitten 小猫
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nvt /nət⁵⁵/ v be paralyzed or immobilized (because of serious illness or injury) (因受伤)动弹不了 | vng nvt taq sat. He was beaten until he couldn't move. 他被打得动弹不了.
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nyenzar /ɲɛn⁵⁵zɑr⁵⁵/ n snack 小吃 | Can be eaten at any time. 随时吃的.
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nyeup /ɲɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be soft; tender and delicate 软;娇嫩 | gyaq sha nyeup. This meat is soft. 这肉软.
sv'nyeup vt 及物动 soften 使软
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pang'ra /pɑŋ³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ n 1tent 帐篷 2shelter; refuge 3storehouse 储存房
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peuq /pɯʔ⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 be soft 2v macerate (soften food in liquid) 浸软 | (First Township) piq /piʔ⁵⁵/
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pu /pu⁵³/ 1vi 不及物动 rot 腐烂 2vi 不及物动 be rotten; be decayed 腐朽 3vi 不及物动 be foul; be smelly | pusiq foul rotten smell 腐臭味
svpu vt 及物动 rot 使腐烂
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pvreq lu /pə³¹rɛʔ⁵⁵ lu⁵⁵/ v frighten 使害怕;吓唬 | vng le pvreq pvlu. You're frightening him a bit. (你)吓唬他(一下).
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pvseu /pə³¹sɯ⁵⁵/ n 1flour (of corn or barley) 面粉 2stir-fried noodles 炒面 | Eaten directly on the hand or spoon while drinking butter tea, similar to Tibetan tsampa. 直接食用手或勺子一边吃一边喝着酥油茶,类似于西藏的糌粑.
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ri /ri³¹/ prt 助词 1experiential (aspect) 过(曾经经历某种事情) | gya vng kei mvri. He has never eaten this. 这个他没吃过. 2non-visual perfective (took place at night, unseen by speaker) 夜间发生(非亲见意义) | toigyaq ngang taai ri. Last night the water (in the river) rose. 昨夜(江)水上涨了.(Compare with ip. 与 ip 相比.)
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rvngsheu /rək⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 feel capable (used with the negative, often because of illness or exhaustion) (因疾病,劳累)感觉能做(用于否定句)
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Rvwang /rə³¹wɑŋ⁵³/ nprop 专有名 Rawang ethnic group 日旺族 | Minority group across the border in Myanmar, seen as being an extension of the Dulong, or else their cousins or close relatives. 缅甸的少数民族,被认为是独龙族统一的自称或表弟亲戚.
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sangsang /sɑk⁵⁵sɑŋ⁵⁵/ adv purposely; on purpose; intentionally 故意;有意地 | vng sangsang ewa waq e. He did this on purpose. 他是故意这样做的.
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shing /ɕiŋ⁵⁵/ v brighten (of an overcast sky) (天蒙蒙)亮 | muq shing di. The sky is brightening. 天亮了. | (First Township) sheung /ɕɯŋ⁵⁵/
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shongma /ɕɔŋ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n type of auxiliary spirit, and by extension of the person to whom it imparts the power of vision and healing, which are less than those of the nvmsa 一种神
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sv'ngam /sə³¹ŋɑm⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 extend out (from a hole) 使(从洞里)伸出 > ngam
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sv'nyeup /sə³¹ɲɯp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 soften 使软 > nyeup
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