Search results for "to"

bvngseup /bək⁵⁵sɯp⁵⁵/ n type of mosquito 野外的一种蚊子
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bvngtuq /bək⁵⁵tuʔ⁵⁵/ n tattooing 文身 | bvngtuq ru get tattooed 做文身
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bvring /bə³¹riŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be old; elderly (person or animal) 老(人或动物) | (First Township) bvreung /bə³¹rɯŋ⁵⁵/
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bvttvng /bət⁵⁵təŋ⁵³/ n type of bird 一种鸟 | bvttvng geuq be kam le cu. When the bvttvng bird starts calling, the bamboo begins to grow. 报春鸟鸣叫时出竹笋. | Known for announcing the arrival of Spring. 宣布夏天的到来.
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byan /bʲɑn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1melt (slowly, of something solid) (慢慢)融化 2dissolve (slowly) (慢慢)融解 | kua byan pvngwa. The sugar is going to dissolve. 糖要融化了.
svbyan vt 及物动 make melt or dissolve slowly 使融化
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byaq /bʲɑʔ⁵⁵/ v 1splash | gyaq ngang pvbyaaq. Splash this water. 把这水泼了. 2pour 3spill (水)泼 4rain 下雨 (Fourth Township. 四乡话.) | (Fourth Township) yaq /jɑʔ⁵⁵/
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byer /bʲɛr⁵³/ vi 不及物动 fly 飞;飞翔 | ko do vtvng byer ra e? What's that flying over there? 那儿飞的是什么? | (First Township) zer /zɛr⁵³/
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cagar /tsɑ³¹gɑr⁵⁵/ n lime 石灰 | (First Township) lungci /luk⁵⁵ci⁵³/
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cai /tsɑi⁵³/ vt 及物动 fish out; dredge up | ing shing caai. We're dredging up firewood. 我们在捞柴. | (Fourth Township) kuai /kuɑi⁵³/
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cangma /tsɑŋ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be clean 干净 | cangma mvkya dirty | vngza cangma pvwa. Clean the food a little. 粮食要弄干净点. 2be pure | (First Township) chvngma /tɕəŋ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/
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ce /tsɛ⁵⁵/ n life span 寿命 | | ce larong May you have a long life. 祝你长寿. | (First Township) ci /tsi⁵⁵/
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cekvr /tsɛ³¹kər⁵⁵/ n type of white cotton thread or yarn 一种白色的棉线
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chabei /tɕɑ³¹bəi⁵⁵/ adv a long time ago 很久以前 | chabei vcvng ancient people 古代人 | chabei vlang formerly 从前 | (First Township) chapar /tɕɑ³¹pɑr⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) cha rvmang /tɕɑ⁵⁵ rə³¹mɑŋ⁵³/
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chaka /tɕɑ³¹kɑ⁵⁵/ n type of traditional hoe made of naturally warped wood, similar to gola, except for the addition of a metallic piece at the head 小弯锄(带金属头)
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chaling /tɕɑ³¹liŋ⁵⁵/ n crawl space (under a house) (房屋)底下 | (First Township) chaleung /tɕɑ³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵/
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chapar /tɕɑ³¹pɑr⁵⁵/ adv formerly; in the past; once upon a time 以前 | Often used in mythological and legendary stories. 经常用于神话故事.
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che /tɕɛ³¹/ prt 助词 1adverbializer (-ly) | gvmche pvrong take care now 好好地住吧 | na ewa che nvchung? Why are you always saying that? 你为什么总是这样说? 2as; just; only 只;就 | ti gyoq che di di It was only him who came. 只有他一个人来了. | Attaches as a suffix to certain words. 能当后缀.
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chetuq /tɕɛ³¹tuʔ⁵⁵/ n corn porridge 浓香包谷稀饭 | Young corn dried and stewed together with bone and pig trotter. 青玉米晒干后保留起来,用骨头、猪脚等一起炖.
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cheu /tɕɯ⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 catch (with a fishing net) (用夹网)夹(鱼) | ngvplaq cheu beung ning. I'm going to catch fish. 我去夹鱼. 2n fishing net (hung on two long bamboo canes) 夹网
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cheu'plang /tɕɯ³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/ n spirit takes that possession of shamans or those in an alcoholic frenzy (also called u'plang) 一种神灵(着魔巫师,发酒风的人) | (Fourth Township) chi'plang /tɕi³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/
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cheum /tɕɯm⁵³/ quant 数量 1more; much | cheum pvluu rvt. Take a little more. 多拿一点来. | na cheum ta so. You understand quite a bit (of what's being said.) 你还是很听得懂. | (四乡)chvnuq gvm taq rong live pretty well 好好地生活 2comparatively; quite 比较 | (Fourth Township) chunuq /tɕu³¹nuʔ⁵⁵/
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*cheum /tɕɯm⁵⁵/ n 1maternal aunt 姨妈 2aunt (wife of paternal uncle) 叔母;伯母 3stepmother 后母 | (Fourth Township) nyanya /ɲɑ⁵⁵ɲɑ⁵⁵/
nvcheum n (your) maternal aunt; aunt (wife of paternal uncle); stepmother (你/你们的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母
vcheum n (my/our) maternal aunt; wife of paternal uncle; stepmother; older woman (我的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母;阿姨
vngcheum n (his/her/their) maternal aunt; wife of paternal uncle; stepmother (他/她/他们的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母
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chi /tɕi³¹/ prt 助词 past evidential 经验示征 | vng rvngtong do vblaq raq chi e. (At that time) he arrived in winter. (当时)他是冬天到来的. | hra neu eqwa blat chi. This is how you weave a basket (based on our experience). 篮子要这样编. | ewa mv'oo chi. You don't do that (according to us). (咱们的习惯)不能那样做. | Especially used in stories, followed by wa. 专门用于故事,随后有 wa.
chiwa prt 助词 supposedly 据说
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chi'kip /tɕi³¹kip⁵⁵/ n bottom beam: part of a loom, consisting of a piece of wood in two parts, for winding the fabric, with a tension device at the ends 低轴(织布机)
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Chidvm /tɕi³¹dəm⁵⁵/ top 地名 Jindang (Second Township village) 金当(二乡村名)
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