为 "eu" 的搜索结果

boq /bɔʔ⁵⁵/ adv near at hand 附近;旁边(挨近身体处) | kyeum boq do seum beumbeum kat. There are lot of peach trees planted near the house. 房子旁边种了很多桃树. | boq kei | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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brai /brɑi⁵⁵/ v scratch (with a claw) (爪子)划 | vli mi mvr nvbrai ra neu. Be careful the cat doesn't scratch your face. 小心猫抓你脸.
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bral /brɑl⁵⁵/ v 1relax; feel relieved 解乏 | chuq rvna sa e, gyong chuq labral. Rest a little bit, take a load off if you're tired. 休息一会儿,解一下乏. 2sober up 酒醒 | vng neu bral di, loq neu. He sobered up and went back. 他酒醒了,回去了.
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brang /brɑŋ⁵³/ v split off; split up; separate 分别;分手 | gya do vbraang neu. Let's split up here. 我们在这里分手吧.
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braqsheu /brɑʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v take up (with both hands) 端起 | shong nvbraqsheu hold the chopsticks (with both hands) 端起筷子 > braq
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brem /brɛm⁵³/ v toast (in the flames) (在火焰上)烤 | mvdeum chuq pvbreem. Let the torch burn (in the flames) a bit. 把火把烤一下. | (Fourth Township) prem /prɛm⁵³/
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breum /brɯm⁵⁵/ n smallpox 天花
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breut /brɯt⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 collapse (of a house) (房屋)倒塌;垮 | kyeup breut pvngwa. The house will collapse. 房子要倒塌了.

svbreut vt 及物动 bring down 弄垮
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bring /briŋ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 long, thin object (一)条(绳子) | i ti bring one hemp thread 一条麻 | (First Township) breung /brɯŋ⁵⁵/
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brong /brɔŋ⁵³/ 1v develop; grow (of a population) (人口)发展 | vng kaq beumbeum brong. Her chickens have developed a lot. 她的鸡发展了很多. 2vi 不及物动 be overgrown (of plants) (植物) 太繁
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bvlei /bə³¹ləi⁵⁵/ n type of plant, used as pig feed and human food 一种植物,猪食,人也可以吃 | (一乡)bvlei vcvng sheu kei nyi, waq le sheu zi nyi. bv³¹lvi⁵⁵ is edible for humans and can be fed to pigs. 这种植物可以人食,也可以喂猪.
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bvling /bə³¹liŋ⁵⁵/ n 1insect (general) 虫(总称) 2worm | (First Township) bvleung /bə³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵/
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bvneu /bə³¹nɯ⁵⁵/ n type of thorny plant with seeded wild fruit, very red when ripe 一种刺梅(红红的)
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bvnghreu /bəŋ³¹xrɯ⁵⁵/ n 1briar; bramble (e.g. blackberry vine) 荆棘;黑刺梅 2thorn | Much used in traditional medicine and tattooing. 用于传统医学、文面.
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bvngseup /bək⁵⁵sɯp⁵⁵/ n type of mosquito 野外的一种蚊子
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bvngteu /bək⁵⁵tɯ⁵³/ n short-tailed rodent 短尾鼠
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bvring /bə³¹riŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be old; elderly (person or animal) 老(人或动物) | (First Township) bvreung /bə³¹rɯŋ⁵⁵/
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bvttvng /bət⁵⁵təŋ⁵³/ n type of bird 一种鸟 | bvttvng geuq be kam le cu. When the bvttvng bird starts calling, the bamboo begins to grow. 报春鸟鸣叫时出竹笋. | Known for announcing the arrival of Spring. 宣布夏天的到来.
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byeuq /bʲɯʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1melt (quickly) 融化(快) 2dissolve (quickly) 融解(快)

svbyeuq vt 及物动 make melt or dissolve (quickly) 使融化
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caq /tsɑʔ⁵⁵/ v 1sift (with a sieve) (用筛子)筛 | gyaq pvseu pvcaaq rvt. You come sift these noodles. 你来筛这面. 2strain (tea) (茶) 滤 | cha caq
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cereung /tsɛ³¹rɯŋ⁵⁵/ n longevity 长寿 | | celareung. May you have long life. (祝你)长寿.
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Cereung /tsɛ³¹rɯŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Cereung 自楼 | Near present-day Gongshan. 在贡山县城附近.
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ceu /tsɯ⁵⁵/ v sharpen (by scraping) 削(尖) | gyaq kam pvceu rvt. You sharpen this bamboo by scraping. 你把这个竹子削尖.

vceu vi 不及物动 be pointy
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ceu'v'ceu /tsɯ⁵⁵ə³¹tsɯ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be very pointy and sharp 尖尖的
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ceumceum /tsɯm⁵³tsɯm⁵³/ adv 1well-behaved (of children) 规规矩矩的 | na ceumceum pvrong. You sit and be well-behaved. 你规规矩矩地坐着. 2honestly and sincerely 老老实实地
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