为 "hai" 的搜索结果

tam /tɑm⁵⁵/ v be allowed | Archaic. 古代.
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teq /tɛʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 pull out (hair) 拔(毛发)
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tit /tit⁵⁵/ v pull out (hair, grass) 拔(头发、草)

titsheu v grab hold
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uleum /u³¹lɯm⁵⁵/ n bald 光头 | vng uleeum sheul sheu. He shaved off all his hair (until he was bald). 他剃了个光头.
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unei /u³¹nəi⁵⁵/ n hair 头发
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unei mvgyep /u³¹nəi⁵⁵ mə³¹ɟɛp⁵⁵/ n hair clip 发夹
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unei prvn /u³¹nəi⁵⁵ prən⁵⁵/ n hairband; hair tie (usually cord) 扎头发的绳
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urai /u³¹rɑi⁵⁵/ n mythological monster with long hair and a narrow face, can make people laugh to their deaths from tickling 传说的一种鬼怪,长发,脸盘狭小,能使人因痒发笑致死
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vzuq /ə³¹zuʔ⁵⁵/ n wild bovine animal type (black hair, size of a calf) 一种牛科动物(有牛犊般大,黑毛) | (一乡)lvka gong do vzuq kyegeu rep. There's a wild bovine standing on the mountain slope. 山坡上有着 vzuq 站立.
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waqmeul /wɑ³¹mɯl⁵⁵/ n pig hair 猪毛
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wvnjong /wən³¹ʑɔŋ⁵⁵/ n hail; hailstone 冰雹
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